Beautiful Customizable Datepicker Plugin For jQuery - hw.datepicker

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License: MIT
Beautiful Customizable Datepicker Plugin For jQuery - hw.datepicker

Yet another jQuery date picker plugin that features custom date format, first day of the week, date range, max/min dates, multiple languages, keyboard navigation and many more.

Install the hw.datepicker via NPM:

$ npm install hw.datepicker

How to use it:

1. Load jQuery library and the Hevyweb datepicker plugin's CSS & JavaScript files in your html document.

<!-- dependency -->
<script src="//"></script>
<!-- Hevyweb datepicker -->
<link href="hw.datepicker.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="hw.datepicker.js"></script>

2. Create a text field to accept the date input.

<input type="text" id="demo" placeholder="">

3. Create a trigger element to toggle the date picker interface.

<button id="trigger-el">Pick A Date</button>

4. Create a new date picker and specify the date input & trigger elements.

var myDatepicker = new DatePicker({
    input: $('input'),
    trigger: $('button')

5. Initialize the date picker with default options.


6. Customize your date picker with the following options.

var myDatepicker = new DatePicker({
    // selector of date input
    input: input,
    // selector of trigger element
    trigger: trigger,
    // current date
    currentDate: currentDate,
    // selected date
    selectedDate: null,
    // active date
    activeDate: new Date(currentDate),
    // min/max dates
    maxDate: null,
    minDate: null,
    // start with monday
    startWithMonday: false,
    // custom date format
    dateFormat: ''


7. Events available.

var myDatepicker = new DatePicker({
    events: {
      onMonthChange: function(){
        alert('Month changed');
      onSelect: function(){
        alert('Date selected.');
      onOpen: function(){
      onClose: function(){
      onDateFocus: function(){
        alert('Date focused.');


8. Localize the date picker with the i18n option.

var myDatepicker = new DatePicker({
    i18n: {
      'prevMonth': 'Previous month',
      'nextMonth': 'Next month',
      'monthName': [
      'weekNameFull': [
      'weekNameShort': [


Change logs:


  • Day name also added to the button label


  • Fixed icon for the button "Current date", fixed the defect related to the vertical position of the datepicker. 
  • Fixed the defect related to the close event of the datepicker.


  • Added 2 buttons "Close" and "Current date". Make focus go back to the trigger button.


  • v1.3.0


  • Add method "desctroy"


  • v1.2.1


  • reverse


  • Added attributes for the month navigation section.


  • Added new event "onDateFocuse". 
  • Formatted code with IDE. 
  • Fixed a few defects. 

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by hevyweb. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.