Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #534

by jQueryScript,

A collection of the latest and hottest design and development resources (Javascript libraries, CSS snippets, Free Graphic Design Resources, etc.) on the web from the last week (Week 1, 2024).

Web Design & Development News: Collective #534


The snowflakes.js allows developers to generate customizable snowflakes that flutter and swirl across the screen.


[Demo] [Download]


Vaul-Svelte is an unstyled drawer component for Svelte that can be used as a Dialog replacement on tablet and mobile devices.


[Demo] [Download]


Configuration and tools for publishing and maintaining high-quality JavaScript packages




A lightweight scroll animation library that applies high-performance scroll-triggered animations to elements using CSS properties.


[Demo] [Download]


Add a little spark to your clicks.


[Demo] [Download]


A responsive modal component for shadcn/ui.


[Demo] [Download]


A Web Component for web presentations.


[Demo] [Download]


A lightweight JavaScript library that allows developers to keep track of changes to JavaScript objects and/or DOM elements.


[Demo] [Download]


This is a lightweight fork of @babel/highlight that tries to be the most compact library for highlighting JS/TS/JSX/TSX syntax. It also doesn't depend on any Node.js API.




A sector-based 3D engine written in Javascript.




Make it easier to use WebGPU for compute in JavaScript. Single file (brr.js) tested on Safari Technology Preivew and Chrome Canary.



Compare Two Images With Range Input

A minimal and fast before/after image comparison slider built with range input and a bit of JavaScript.

Compare Two Images With Range Input

[Demo] [Download]

Page Replica

"Page Replica" is a versatile web scraping and caching tool built with Node.js, Express, and Puppeteer. It helps prerender web app (React, Angular, Vue,...) pages, which can be served via Nginx for SEO or other purposes.


Gradient Blur Header

See the Pen Gradient Blur Header by Juxtopposed (@Juxtopposed) on CodePen.

Dropping Radio Buttons

See the Pen Dropping Radio Buttons by Jon Kantner (@jkantner) on CodePen.

Fading Paint

See the Pen Fading Paint by Matthias Hurrle (@atzedent) on CodePen.

Photo Gallery (Grid + Modal) - Pure CSS

See the Pen Photo Gallery (Grid + Modal) - Pure CSS by Josetxu (@josetxu) on CodePen.

Tilt Grid with Parallax

See the Pen Tilt Grid with Parallax by Sebastian Piskaty (@sebastian-piskaty) on CodePen.

AI Weekly Digest Issue #38

Get your AI update with AI Weekly Digest Issue #38 for Week 1st of 2024. A curated selection of the most impactful AI news and events worldwide.

AI Weekly Digest Issue 38


Analyze Your ChatGPT Usage Patterns With ChatGPT Data Package Explorer

Visualize and analyze your ChatGPT interactions with ease. Try the ChatGPT Data Package Explorer for detailed insights!

Analyze Your ChatGPT Usage Patterns With ChatGPT Data Package Explorer

[Try It Out]

Chat With 50+ Animals In Animalia AI

Have natural conversations with AI versions of animals on Animalia AI. Users of all ages can learn about wildlife in an interactive, enjoyable format.

Chat With 50+ Animals In Animalia AI

[Try It Out]

Transform Ideas into Visuals – AI-Driven Moodboard Creator

Instantly generate custom moodboards to kickstart your branding and design projects. This AI analyzes your text and suggests visual elements that match.

Transform Ideas into Visuals – AI-Driven Moodboard Creator

[Try It Out]

FREE 3D Icon Pack For New Year

FREE 3D Icon Pack For New Year


Magnetic 3D Grid Interaction with Content Preview

A grid layout with a magnetic 3D interaction effect and a content preview animation.

Magnetic 3D Grid Interaction with Content Preview

[Demo] [Download]