Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #567

by jQueryScript,

A roundup of the latest and most popular development & design resources (Javascript & CSS libraries, Code snippets, Web Dev News & Resources, Curated AI Tools, Graphic Design Freebies, etc.)  from the past week (Week 34, 2024).

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JavaScript & CSS

Dropdown Menu - Accessible Dropdown Menu With Smooth JavaScript Animations. (Live Demo)


browser-mockup - Showcase Web Projects With Realistic Chrome Mockups. (Live Demo)


RainChar - Create Matrix-Style Digital Rain in JavaScript. (Live Demo)


PrettyLogger - A tiny JavaScript that logs plain messages, objects, and event DOM elements directly into your page for easy  debugging.. (Live Demo)


regex - Native JS library to allow you to highlight ranges within texareas.

Instant - a client-side database that makes it easy to build real-time and collaborative apps like Notion or Figma.

thermal-printer - Thermal printer controlled with JS.

nano-spawn - Tiny process execution for humans — a better child_process.

datasetexplorer - Easily view and modify JSON datasets for large language models.

lazy-file - A lazy, streaming File implementation for JavaScript.

TyprEditor - A Medium-like editor for React that integrates with your user system and CMS. (Live Demo)

ts-easy - Your minimalist TypeScript starter for Node.js projects. 

heic-to - Convert HEIC/HEIF images to JPEG, PNG in browser using Javascript.

form-data-parser - A wrapper around request.formData() that provides pluggable support for file upload handling.

OEditorX - A user-friendly online editor tailored for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.  (Live Demo)

Dumper - Pretty print JavaScript data-types in the terminal and the browser.

bullshit-detector - Quickly detect amount of bullshit in any text.

Feedbomb - A simple and powerful RSS reader for the web. (Live Demo)

Discover more JavaScript & CSS Libraries →

Dev Tools & Resources

handwriter.ttf - A Handwriting Synthesizer by abusing Harfbuzz WASM Shaper.

mdtree - Convert markdown lists into ASCII trees.

DesignDupe - Identify colors and fonts on any website instantly to elevate your creativity!

Zed - Next-generation code editor designed for high-performance collaboration with humans and AI.

Docgenie - A powerful command-line tool that leverages advanced AI models to automatically generate comprehensive documentation for your projects.

Curated Free AI Tools

Documator - Free AI Document Summarizer and Translator.

Face Animator - Free AI Turns Photos Into Expressive Videos.

X Showdown - Free AI for Hilarious Twitter Face-offs.

FlowKitten - A free AI-powered business idea validator that gives instant feedback on startup concepts. 

Discover more Free AI Tools →

News & Articles

Mastering Typography In Logo Design (Link)

React is (becoming) a Full-Stack Framework (Link)

What's new in ECMAScript 2024 (Link)

RTL Styling 101 (Link)

JavaScript & CSS Snippets

Double bubble - no JS on scroll distortion

See the Pen Double bubble - no JS on scroll distortion by Ana Tudor (@thebabydino) on CodePen.

Dynamic Content Lockups with Scroll-Driven Animations

See the Pen Open Props - Dynamic Content Lockups with Scroll-Driven Animations by Arby (@mobalti) on CodePen.

Canvas sprite-sheet bubbles

See the Pen Canvas sprite-sheet bubbles by Tom Miller (@creativeocean) on CodePen.

Card animations NO JS

See the Pen Card animations NO JS by Vicio Bonura (@V17h3m) on CodePen.