Weekly Web Design & Development News: Collective #571
A roundup of the latest and most popular development & design resources (Javascript & CSS libraries, Code snippets, Web Dev News & Resources, Curated AI Tools, Graphic Design Freebies, etc.) from the past week (Week 38, 2024).
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JavaScript & CSS
WindowManager - Flexible Web-Based Window System. (Live Demo)
PopupJS - iOS-Style Popups & Notifications. (Live Demo)
toggle-switch.js - Customizable Rounded & Square Toggle Switch Web Component. (Live Demo)
iosStyleCalculator - Create A Responsive iOS-Inspired Calculator In JavaScript/CSS. (Live Demo)
javascript-confirm - Minimal Stylish Alternative To Browser Confirm Dialogs. (Live Demo)
Minecraft-CSS - Minecraft UI themed CSS framework. (Live Demo)
next-saas-starter - A starter template for building a SaaS application using Next.js with support for authentication, Stripe integration for payments, and a dashboard for logged-in users. (Live Demo)
Tinymind - Turn your GitHub into a blog & memo data storage place with one-click Sign in.
NPMChart - Visualize your package npm downloads in a beautiful chart, ready to be shared with your community. (Live Demo)
ts-blank-space - A small, fast, pure JavaScript type-stripper that uses the official TypeScript parser.
pdf-embed - A web component wrapper for Adobe's PDF Embed library.
Kanvas - A lightweight, and fully customizable canvas app. (Live Demo)
DraggableRigidBody - A customizable React component for physics-based drag-and-drop functionality.
bin.js - A JavaScript library that can convert any kind of data into binary that can be restored.
console-strings - String utilities that understand terminal escape sequences.
Discover more JavaScript & CSS Libraries →
Web Dev Tools & Resources
FancyTextGenerator - Easily create unique, cool text effects.
TailwindGridBuilder - Build Tailwind CSS grids effortlessly and master responsive layouts with the Grid Builder tool.
Videotrim: Fast, unlimited and free video trim app that works online and offline.
Screen Ruler - Measure sizes, distances, margins and paddings of any element on any web page.
MDRSS - A markdown to RSS converter written in GO.
Graphic Design Freebies
Circumicons - The icon library you wish you had found earlier.
Atkinson Hyperlegible - Read Easier With our this free font.
Pring Display Font - Bamboo-inspired typeface that is suitable for headline and subheadline.
Discover more Graphic Design Freebies →
Curated Free AI Tools
Starlens - What do your GitHub stars say about you?
DeckGuru - Get Free AI Insights for Your Pitch Deck.
News & Articles
SVG Coding Examples: Useful Recipes For Writing Vectors By Hand (Link)
React Native Best Practices (Link)
Astro 5.0 Beta Release (Link)
JavaScript & CSS Snippets
Slice! No JS, no text duplication! (contenteditable)
See the Pen Slice! No JS, no text duplication! (contenteditable) by Ana Tudor (@thebabydino) on CodePen.
SVG Filter Text Marquees
See the Pen Aqua Wave Orb Animation by Daniel Muñoz (@daniel-mu-oz) on CodePen.
Concentric Circle Loader
See the Pen SVG Filter Text Marquees by Matthew Morete (@matthewmorete) on CodePen.
Sparkle Text
See the Pen Sparkle Text by Adam Curzon (@adamcurzon) on CodePen.
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