10 Best Page Transition Plugins In JavaScript (2024 Update)
When you're browsing the web, you might find on a number of sites you get a smooth transition effect (e.g. fade, slide, zoom, etc) when switching between pages. It is called Page Transition.
So What Is Page Transition:
Page Transitions are one way to smoothly present web pages when the user navigates to your site.
In the beginning, this effect was widely used in dynamic AJAX-driven webpages to deliver a great visual experience to users when external resources are completely loaded on the current page.
A number of static websites today have also implemented page transition effects to provide a smooth page browsing experience.
The Best Page Transition Plugin:
Page Transition Made Easy. Here is a list of 10 best and top downloaded Vanilla JavaScript Libraries and jQuery Plugins that enable developers to quickly implement page transition effects on their websites or web apps. Feel free to download and use them in your next web project to make your site or app more impressive.
Originally Published Oct 06 2020, updated Mar 11 2024
Table of contents:
Best jQuery Page Transition Plugins
jQuery Plugin For Page Load Transition Effects - Animsition (Clickstream)
Clickstream is a simple and easy jQuery plugin used to add fancy transition & easing effects to your page load.
Powerful Page Transition Plugin - jQuery smoothState
A progressively enhanced jQuery plugin that adds smooth and configurable transitions to your site when navigating between pages. SmoothState is lightweight and simple, yet packs tons of features.
Smoothly Transition Between Pages With A Loader - jQuery fakeloader
The fakeloader jQuery plugin lets you create smooth fade in/out transitions with a loading indicator when switching between pages of your website.
Smooth Page Transition Effects With Browser History Support - lookforward.js
lookforward.js is a simple-to-use JavaScript library that creates a smooth transition effect when you navigate between pages in the website.
jQuery Plugin For Page Transition Effects with A Page Loader - Harold Loader
A jQuery plugin that displays a customizable loading bar to indicate the page loading progress. Also has the ability to fade in your page as all the specific elements have been loaded. Without any CSS/CSS3 styles.
3D Cube Page Transition Plugin With jQuery - cubeTransition.js
A jQuery plugin used for creating a fullscreen, responsive, mobile-friendly page slider / presentation with an awesome 3D cube transition effect using CSS3 transitions and transforms.
Smooth Single Page Transition Effects Using jQuery And CSS3 - page.js
A jQuery plugin used to implement the smooth CSS3 based page transition effects on your one page website and single page web application. The plugin enables you to switch between pages with slide or flip animations using CSS3 transitions, transforms and perspectives.
Best Vanilla JS Page Transition Plugins
Create CSS Transitions When Switching Between Pages – swup
The swup JavaScript library lets you apply custom CSS transitions to pages when switching between them. Supports preload, page cache, and event handlers.
Smooth Page Transitions With JavaScript And PJAX – barba.js
A tiny JavaScript library that uses PJAX (aka push state ajax) to create a smooth transition effect between different webpages.
JavaScript Library For CSS3 Based Page Transitions – Animate Transition
Animate Transition allows you to easily make transition between any two (or more, it all depends on you ) HTML elements. It can be used in different variety of situations, whatever you want to enhance appearance of your web site or navigate between pages in hybrid mobile application.
More Resources:
Want more jQuery plugins or JavaScript libraries to create awesome page transitions on the web & mobile? Check out the jQuery Page Transition and JavaScript Page Transition sections.