10 Best WYSIWYG Markdown Editors For Faster Writing (2024 Update)

by jQueryScript,

Markdown is a lightweight and popular markup language that provides plain-text-formatting syntax to quickly write HTML content for the web without writing html.

Markdown is a great tool that helps you write content faster and more efficiently. There are now a lot of tools out there that support it as well. One of the most important elements on a website is the ability to write and edit content faster, but also in an easy to use format.

If a website visitor spends too much time trying to learn how to use your text editor, they will simply click away to another website that doesn't require so much effort

With the increasing popularity of Markdown as a quick and easy way of formatting content, our tools have to adapt to support this new method of writing.

If you're developing a content driven website or web app, you might need a markdown editor embedded in the page to help users write articles, comments, feedbacks in an easy and convenient way.

Here is a list of 10 best WYSIWYG Markdown Editors implemented in jQuery or plain JavaScript, which are highly convenient and simple to use. Using such editors allow users to focus on their content without distraction from the presentation of what they write, thus increasing the efficiency needed for providing premium content. Have fun!

Originally Published July 31 2020, updated Jan 16 2024

Table of contents:

Best jQuery Markdown Editors

Extensible WYSIWYG Markdown Editor For jQuery - tui.editor

A powerful, extensible, full-featured, multi-language WYSIWYG Markdown Editor which can be implemented in either JavaScript or jQuery.

Extensible WYSIWYG Markdown Editor For jQuery - tui.editor

[Demo] [Download]

Markdown Editor For Bootstrap - jQuery codeparlMarkdown

A jQuery plugin that helps you create a full-featured, customizable markdown editor using Bootstrap, Ace Editor, Font Awesome, and Showdown.js.

Markdown Editor For Bootstrap - jQuery codeparlMarkdown

[Demo] [Download]

Minimal WYSIWYG Markdown Editor With Instant Preview - jQuery Markdown live

Just another jQuery based WYSIWYG markdown editor that features instant preview, customizable editor bar and multiple instance on one page.

Minimal WYSIWYG Markdown Editor With Instant Preview - jQuery Markdown live

[Demo] [Download]

Textarea Based Markdown Editor with jQuery

A very simple jQuery plugin that converts a normal textarea element into a markdown editor with a instant preview.

Textarea Based Markdown Editor with jQuery

[Demo] [Download]

Ghost-Like Responsive jQuery Markdown Editor with Live Preview

Yet another jQuery based markdown editor inspired by ghost.com that features live preview, text counter and responsive design for all major devices.

Ghost-Like Responsive jQuery Markdown Editor with Live Preview

[Demo] [Download]

Best Vanilla JS Markdown Editors

Full-featured WYSIWYG Markdown Editor – tui.editor

tui.editor is a powerful, extensible, full-featured, multi-language WYSIWYG Markdown Editor which can be implemented in either JavaScript or jQuery.

Full-featured WYSIWYG Markdown Editor – tui.editor

[Demo] [Download]


A plugin-driven WYSIWYG markdown Editor


[Demo] [Download]

Simple Extendable WYSIWYG Markdown Editor – mditor

A simple, clean, easy-to-extend and WYSIWYG-style markdown editor that works on both client side or server side.

Simple Extendable WYSIWYG Markdown Editor – mditor

[Demo] [Download]

Simplest Markdown Editor with Pure JavaScript – easyMarkdown

A standalone JavaScript library for converting a normal textarea into a WYSIWYG markdown editor.

Simplest Markdown Editor with Pure JavaScript – easyMarkdown

[Demo] [Download]

EasyMDE Markdown Editor

A drop-in JavaScript text area replacement for writing beautiful and understandable Markdown. EasyMDE allows users who may be less experienced with Markdown to use familiar toolbar buttons and shortcuts.

In addition, the syntax is rendered while editing to clearly show the expected result. Headings are larger, emphasized words are italicized, links are underlined, etc.

EasyMDE also features both built-in auto saving and spell checking. The editor is entirely customizable, from theming to toolbar buttons and javascript hooks.

EasyMDE Markdown Editor

[Demo] [Download]


So, these are the most popular, industry-rated and user-friendly WYSIWYG Markdown editors. All of them are available for free and can be integrated as a plugin or with HTML code on all blogging platforms that support Markdown.

Looking for more jQuery plugins or JavaScript libraries to create WYSIWYG Markdown Editors on the web & mobile? See jQuery Markdown Editor and JavaScript Markdown Editor sections for more details.

See Also: