Infinite Scroll With Loader - jQuery infiniteScroll.js

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License: MIT
Infinite Scroll With Loader - jQuery infiniteScroll.js

A lightweight and simple-to-use jQuery infinite scroll plugin which automatically loads more content via AJAX and appends the result to the bottom of the current page when scrolling down.

Also provides a customizable loading spinner that indicate the current status when the plugin loads external pages into the document.

How to use it:

1. Place the JavaScript file jquery-infiniteScroll.js after the latest version of jQuery JavaScript library.

<script src="" 
<script src="jquery-infiniteScroll.js"></script>

2. Call the function on the target content area to which you want to append more pages and specify a sequence of files you want to load.

<div class="myInfiniteScroll">
  files: [

3. Customize the color of the content loader.

  files: [
  preloaderColor: "#000"

4. The default function to handle the data.

  files: [
  processData: function(data){               
    var content = $(`<div style='opacity:0'>${data}</div>`);
    $('.' + settings.markSelector).before(content);
    content.fadeTo(settings.fadeDuration, 1);

5. Callback functions available.

  files: [
  beforeLoadNewContent: function () { },
  processData: function(data){               
    var content = $(`<div style='opacity:0'>${data}</div>`);
    $('.' + settings.markSelector).before(content);
    content.fadeTo(settings.fadeDuration, 1);
  afterLoadNewContent: function () { },
  onEnd: function () { }

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by oscarlijo. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.