Canvas Or Table Based QR Code Generator - jQuery qrcode

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License: MIT
Canvas Or Table Based QR Code Generator - jQuery qrcode

A popular QR Code generator that makes uses of JavaScript (jQuery) to render configurable QR Codes in Table or HTML canvas format.

How to use it:

1. Insert the minified and compiled version of the jQuery qrcode plugin after jQuery.

<script src="" 
<script src="jquery.qrcode.min.js"></script>

2. Create a placeholder element for the generated QR Code.

<div id="example"></div>

3. Initialize the QR Code Generator and specify the text message to be placed in the QR Code.

  text: ""

4. If you want to render the QR code in HTML table.

  render: "table"
  text: ""

5. Customize the size (height/width) of the QR Code.

  text: "",
  width: 256,
  height: 256

6. Customize the background & foreground colors of the QR Code.

  text: "",
  background: "#ffffff",
  foreground: "#000000"

7. Customize the type number of the QR Code. typeNumber < 1 for automatic calculation.

  text: "",
  typeNumber: -1

8. Customize the correct level for the QR Code Generator.

  • QRErrorCorrectLevel.H: Approx 30%
  • QRErrorCorrectLevel.Q: Approx 25%
  • QRErrorCorrectLevel.M: Approx 15%
  • QRErrorCorrectLevel.L: Approx 7%
  text: "",
  correctLevel: QRErrorCorrectLevel.H

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by jeromeetienne. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.