Create Responsive Material Style Miller Columns Using jQuery

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License: MIT
Create Responsive Material Style Miller Columns Using jQuery

This is a jQuery plugin which lets you create a fully responsive, Material Design style Miller Columns for quickly browsing hierarchical data in a human-friendly tree interface.

See also:

How to use it:

1. Load jQuery library and the Responsive Miller columns plugin's files in the html file.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/miller.css">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="js/miller.js"></script>

2. Define the categories and category items as follows:

function Category() {

    var _this = this;

    _this.categoryId = guid();

    _this.setCategoryId = function (categoryId) {

    _this.categoryId = categoryId;


    _this.getCategoryId = function () {
    return _this.categoryId;

    _this.setCategoryName = function (categoryName) {

    _this.categoryName = categoryName;

    _this.getCategoryName = function () {
    return _this.categoryName;

    _this.setParentId = function (parentId) {

    _this.parentId = parentId;

    _this.getParentId = function () {
    return _this.parentId;

    _this.setIsLowestLevel = function (isLowestLevel) {
    _this.isLowestLevel = isLowestLevel;
    _this.getIsLowestLevel = function () {
    return _this.isLowestLevel

  _this.setItems = function (categoryItems) {
    _this.items = categoryItems;

  _this.getItems = function () {
    return _this.items

function CategoryItem() {

  var _this = this;

  _this.itemId = guid();

  _this.setItemId = function (itemId) {

      _this.itemId = itemId;


  _this.getItemId = function () {
      return _this.itemId;

  _this.setItemName = function (itemName) {

      _this.itemName = itemName;

  _this.getItemName = function () {
      return _this.itemName;

  _this.setParentId = function (parentId) {

      _this.parentId = parentId;

  _this.getParentId = function () {
      return _this.parentId;

  _this.setCategoryId = function (categoryId) {

      _this.categoryId = categoryId;

  _this.getCategoryId = function () {
      return _this.categoryId;

  _this.setHasChildren = function (hasChildren) {
      _this.hasChildren = hasChildren;
  _this.getHasChildren = function () {
      return _this.hasChildren

  _this.isDeleteable = true;
  _this.setIsDeletable = function (isDeleteable) {
      _this.isDeleteable = isDeleteable;
  _this.getIsDeleteable = function () {
      return _this.isDeleteable


3. If you're using JSON data, make sure to convert the JSON data into JS object using JSON.parse(jsonString).

   "categoryName":"Category 2",
       "itemName":"Category 2 item 1",
       "itemName":"Category 2 item 2",
       "itemName":"Category 2 item 3",

4. Initialize the Responsive Miller columns.

  initData: rootCategory,
  isReadOnly: true

5. API methods.

// add a new category
$fn.millerColumn("addCol", category);

// add a new category item
$fn.millerColumn("addItem", categoryItem);

// update a category item
$fn.millerColumn("updateItem", categoryItem);

// delete a category item
$fn.millerColumn("deleteItem", categoryItem);

// destroy the plugin

6. Events.

var demo = $("#miller_col").millerColumn();

$millerCol.on("item-selected", ".miller-col-list-item", function (event, data) {
  // when item selected

$millerCol.on("add-item", ".miller-col-container", function (event, data) {
  // when a new item is added

$millerCol.on("edit-item", ".miller-col-list-item", function (event, data) {
  // when an item is edited

$millerCol.on("delete-item", ".miller-col-list-item", function (event, data) {
  // when an item is deleted



  • JS update

v1.4.0 (2018-04-03)

  • Added change for fully initializing the whole category tree in a single json


  • Avoid from having duplicate cols when user clicks items too fast.


  • Added possible fix for destory function issue.


  • Fixed issue on destroy function


  • Added destroy method to plugin


  • Added feature for showing num of children as a badge. 


  • Bugfix in creating items without icons, and then adding one.
  • Added material icon support for IE & Edge


  • Fixed icon issue related with showing item icon.


  • Fixed update category item issue.


  • CSS update


  • v1.2.2


  • Fix Intellij warnings


  • added loading spinner


  • added item-name data to event.
  • removed unncessary css.
  • replaced spinner image with css
  • resetting user selection when user clicks selected item


  • CSS update

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by dsharew. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.