Lightweight HTML and BBCode WYSIWYG Editor - SCEditor

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Lightweight HTML and BBCode WYSIWYG Editor - SCEditor

SCEditor is a lightweight jQuery & vanilla JavaScript based HTML and BBCode WYSIWYG editor for the web. Great for forum and CMS.

Note that the SCEditor v2.x/v3.x has dropped the jQuery dependency. You can download the SCEditor v1.x here.

A WYSIWYG editor is a system in which content (text and graphics) displayed onscreen during editing appears in a form closely corresponding to its appearance when printed or displayed as a finished product,[1] which might be a printed document, web page, or slide presentation. (More info).

Bulletin Board Code is a lightweight markup language used to format posts in many message boards. (More info)

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Table Of Contents:

How to use it (Vanilla JS Version):

1. Load the main JavaScript files in the document.

<script src="minified/sceditor.min.js"></script>
<script src="minified/formats/bbcode.js"></script>
<script src="minified/formats/xhtml.js"></script>

2. Load lanugage files if needed. You can find all language files under the languages folder.

<script src="languages/de.js"></script>

3. Convert a textarea element into a BBCode or HTML editor.

// bbcode editor
sceditor.create(textarea, {
  format: 'bbcode'

// html editor
sceditor.create(textarea, {
  format: 'xhtml'

4. Set the theme. All Available themes:

<!-- Default theme -->

<!-- Dark theme -->

<!-- Modern theme -->

<!-- Office theme -->

<!-- Office+Toolbar theme -->

<!-- Square theme -->
sceditor.create(textarea, {
  format: 'bbcode',
  style: 'minified/themes/defaultdark.min.css'

5. Enable a plugin on the editor. All possible plugins.

  • AutoSave: auto save data into the local storage
  • AutoYoutube: auto convert Youtube links
  • DragDrop: enable file drag and drop functionality
  • Plaintext: auto remove formatting when pasting
  • Undo: enable undo/redo functionality
sceditor.create(textarea, {
  plugins: 'undo, autosave'

6. All possible options.

/** @lends jQuery.sceditor.defaultOptions */
 * Toolbar buttons order and groups. Should be comma separated and
 * have a bar | to separate groups
 * @type {string}
toolbar: 'bold,italic,underline,strike,subscript,superscript|' +
  'left,center,right,justify|font,size,color,removeformat|' +
  'cut,copy,pastetext|bulletlist,orderedlist,indent,outdent|' +
  'table|code,quote|horizontalrule,image,email,link,unlink|' +

 * Comma separated list of commands to excludes from the toolbar
 * @type {string}
toolbarExclude: null,

 * Stylesheet to include in the WYSIWYG editor. This is what will style
 * the WYSIWYG elements
 * @type {string}
style: 'jquery.sceditor.default.css',

 * Comma separated list of fonts for the font selector
 * @type {string}
fonts: 'Arial,Arial Black,Comic Sans MS,Courier New,Georgia,Impact,' +
  'Sans-serif,Serif,Times New Roman,Trebuchet MS,Verdana',

 * Colors should be comma separated and have a bar | to signal a new
 * column.
 * If null the colors will be auto generated.
 * @type {string}
colors: '#000000,#44B8FF,#1E92F7,#0074D9,#005DC2,#00369B,#b3d5f4|' +
    '#444444,#C3FFFF,#9DF9FF,#7FDBFF,#68C4E8,#419DC1,#d9f4ff|' +
    '#666666,#72FF84,#4CEA5E,#2ECC40,#17B529,#008E02,#c0f0c6|' +
    '#888888,#FFFF44,#FFFA1E,#FFDC00,#E8C500,#C19E00,#fff5b3|' +
    '#aaaaaa,#FFC95F,#FFA339,#FF851B,#E86E04,#C14700,#ffdbbb|' +
    '#cccccc,#FF857A,#FF5F54,#FF4136,#E82A1F,#C10300,#ffc6c3|' +
    '#eeeeee,#FF56FF,#FF30DC,#F012BE,#D900A7,#B20080,#fbb8ec|' +

 * The locale to use.
 * @type {string}
locale: attr(document.documentElement, 'lang') || 'en',

 * The Charset to use
 * @type {string}
charset: 'utf-8',

 * Compatibility mode for emoticons.
 * Helps if you have emoticons such as :/ which would put an emoticon
 * inside http://
 * This mode requires emoticons to be surrounded by whitespace or end of
 * line chars. This mode has limited As You Type emoticon conversion
 * support. It will not replace AYT for end of line chars, only
 * emoticons surrounded by whitespace. They will still be replaced
 * correctly when loaded just not AYT.
 * @type {boolean}
emoticonsCompat: false,

 * If to enable emoticons. Can be changes at runtime using the
 * emoticons() method.
 * @type {boolean}
 * @since 1.4.2
emoticonsEnabled: true,

 * Emoticon root URL
 * @type {string}
emoticonsRoot: '',
emoticons: {
  dropdown: {
    ':)': 'emoticons/smile.png',
    ':angel:': 'emoticons/angel.png',
    ':angry:': 'emoticons/angry.png',
    '8-)': 'emoticons/cool.png',
    ':\'(': 'emoticons/cwy.png',
    ':ermm:': 'emoticons/ermm.png',
    ':D': 'emoticons/grin.png',
    '<3': 'emoticons/heart.png',
    ':(': 'emoticons/sad.png',
    ':O': 'emoticons/shocked.png',
    ':P': 'emoticons/tongue.png',
    ';)': 'emoticons/wink.png'
  more: {
    ':alien:': 'emoticons/alien.png',
    ':blink:': 'emoticons/blink.png',
    ':blush:': 'emoticons/blush.png',
    ':cheerful:': 'emoticons/cheerful.png',
    ':devil:': 'emoticons/devil.png',
    ':dizzy:': 'emoticons/dizzy.png',
    ':getlost:': 'emoticons/getlost.png',
    ':happy:': 'emoticons/happy.png',
    ':kissing:': 'emoticons/kissing.png',
    ':ninja:': 'emoticons/ninja.png',
    ':pinch:': 'emoticons/pinch.png',
    ':pouty:': 'emoticons/pouty.png',
    ':sick:': 'emoticons/sick.png',
    ':sideways:': 'emoticons/sideways.png',
    ':silly:': 'emoticons/silly.png',
    ':sleeping:': 'emoticons/sleeping.png',
    ':unsure:': 'emoticons/unsure.png',
    ':woot:': 'emoticons/w00t.png',
    ':wassat:': 'emoticons/wassat.png'
  hidden: {
    ':whistling:': 'emoticons/whistling.png',
    ':love:': 'emoticons/wub.png'

 * Width of the editor. Set to null for automatic with
 * @type {?number}
width: null,

 * Height of the editor including toolbar. Set to null for automatic
 * height
 * @type {?number}
height: null,

 * If to allow the editor to be resized
 * @type {boolean}
resizeEnabled: true,

 * Min resize to width, set to null for half textarea width or -1 for
 * unlimited
 * @type {?number}
resizeMinWidth: null,
 * Min resize to height, set to null for half textarea height or -1 for
 * unlimited
 * @type {?number}
resizeMinHeight: null,
 * Max resize to height, set to null for double textarea height or -1
 * for unlimited
 * @type {?number}
resizeMaxHeight: null,
 * Max resize to width, set to null for double textarea width or -1 for
 * unlimited
 * @type {?number}
resizeMaxWidth: null,
 * If resizing by height is enabled
 * @type {boolean}
resizeHeight: true,
 * If resizing by width is enabled
 * @type {boolean}
resizeWidth: true,

 * Date format, will be overridden if locale specifies one.
 * The words year, month and day will be replaced with the users current
 * year, month and day.
 * @type {string}
dateFormat: 'year-month-day',

 * Element to inset the toolbar into.
 * @type {HTMLElement}
toolbarContainer: null,

 * If to enable paste filtering. This is currently experimental, please
 * report any issues.
 * @type {boolean}
enablePasteFiltering: false,

 * If to completely disable pasting into the editor
 * @type {boolean}
disablePasting: false,

 * If the editor is read only.
 * @type {boolean}
readOnly: false,

 * If to set the editor to right-to-left mode.
 * If set to null the direction will be automatically detected.
 * @type {boolean}
rtl: false,

 * If to auto focus the editor on page load
 * @type {boolean}
autofocus: false,

 * If to auto focus the editor to the end of the content
 * @type {boolean}
autofocusEnd: true,

 * If to auto expand the editor to fix the content
 * @type {boolean}
autoExpand: false,

 * If to auto update original textbox on blur
 * @type {boolean}
autoUpdate: false,

 * If to enable the browsers built in spell checker
 * @type {boolean}
spellcheck: true,

 * If to run the source editor when there is no WYSIWYG support. Only
 * really applies to mobile OS's.
 * @type {boolean}
runWithoutWysiwygSupport: false,

 * If to load the editor in source mode and still allow switching
 * between WYSIWYG and source mode
 * @type {boolean}
startInSourceMode: false,

 * Optional ID to give the editor.
 * @type {string}
id: null,

 * Comma separated list of plugins
 * @type {string}
plugins: '',

 * z-index to set the editor container to. Needed for jQuery UI dialog.
 * @type {?number}
zIndex: null,

 * If to trim the BBCode. Removes any spaces at the start and end of the
 * BBCode string.
 * @type {boolean}
bbcodeTrim: false,

 * If to disable removing block level elements by pressing backspace at
 * the start of them
 * @type {boolean}
disableBlockRemove: false,

 * Array of allowed URL (should be either strings or regex) for iframes.
 * If it's a string then iframes where the start of the src matches the
 * specified string will be allowed.
 * If it's a regex then iframes where the src matches the regex will be
 * allowed.
 * @type {Array}
allowedIframeUrls: [],

 * BBCode parser options, only applies if using the editor in BBCode
 * mode.
 * See SCEditor.BBCodeParser.defaults for list of valid options
 * @type {Object}
parserOptions: { },

 * CSS that will be added to the to dropdown menu (eg. z-index)
 * @type {Object}
dropDownCss: { },

 * An array of tags that are allowed in the editor content.
 * If a tag is not listed here, it will be removed when the content is
 * sanitized.
 * 1 Tag is already added by default: ['iframe']. No need to add this
 * further.
 * @type {Array}
allowedTags: [],

 * An array of attributes that are allowed on tags in the editor content.
 * If an attribute is not listed here, it will be removed when the content
 * is sanitized.
 * 3 Attributes are already added by default:
 *  ['allowfullscreen', 'frameborder', 'target'].
 * No need to add these further.
 * @type {Array}
allowedAttributes: []

How to use it (jQuery Version):

1. Include jQuery library and SCEditor v1 on your page

<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<!-- BBcode editor -->
<script src="/path/to/jquery.sceditor.bbcode.min.js"></script>
<!-- HTML editor -->
<script src="/path/to/jquery.sceditor.xhtml.min.js"></script>

2. Include a theme css of your choice on your page. All themes:

  • Default
  • Modern
  • Monocons
  • Office Toolbar
  • Office
  • Square
<!-- Core -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/jquery.sceditor.default.min.css">
<!-- Optional Themes -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/themes/default.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/themes/modern.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/themes/monocons.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/themes/office.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/themes/office-toolbar.min.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/themes/square.min.css">

3. Create a textarea for the HTML & BBcode editor.

<textarea name="bbcode_field"></textarea>

4. Calling the function will transform the textarea element into a WYSIWYG editor.

  plugins: "bbcode"

  plugins: "xhtml"


v3.2.0 (2023-03-06)

  • Fixed bug with pasting removing styling from fist/last block when using BBCode format.
  • Added allowedTags and allowedAttributes options to allow custom elements and attributes.
  • Added missing strings to German translation.
  • Fixed bug with merge() merging consecutive <br /> tags.
  • Fixed bug with pasting into code blocks sometimes retaining styles.
  • Fixed bug with undo plugin in Firefox if editor is hidden when created.
  • Improved Dutch translation.
  • Added Finnish translation.
  • Added some missing phrases in Russian translation.

v3.1.1 (2021-12-22)

  • Bugfix

v3.1.0 (2021-12-20)

  • A lot of annoying bugs have been fixed

v3.0.0 (2021-02-25)

  • Prevent XSS with the default commands along with dropping IE and legacy Edge support.
  • If you have any code that includes iframes, the allowed URLs will need to be added to the new allowedIframeUrls option.
  • Bugfixes

v2.1.3 (2019-07-10)

  • Major update
  • Doc update

v1.4.5 (2014-04-16)

  • Added command shortcuts to tooltips.
  • Added Portuguese translation.
  • Added list indent and outdent commands.
  • Added Ukrainian translation.
  • Thanks to @aqrln for translating
  • Fixed bug with BBCode source editor creating links with [img] tags selected.
  • Fixed issue with insert() and FF.
  • Fixed in IE8 and below with XHTML font size attribute converstion.
  • Fixed typo in German translation.
  • Removed as grunt now does everything could.
  • Added Italian translation.
  • Fixed bug when insert empty node.
  • Fixed FF bug with dropdowns not opening via shortcuts.
  • Improved inserting so only scrolls if the end of the inserted HTML isn't in view.
  • Added zh-TW translation.
  • Updated Polish translation.
  • Fix possible XSS if editing loading BBCode that someone else has written.
  • Fixed default font size.
  • Added Japanese translation.
  • Fixed bug with XHTML plugin stripping iframes.
  • Fixed bug with IE11 newline handling.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by samclarke. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.