jQuery Plugin For Creating Rounded Badges Using Canvas - Mambo
File Size: | 4.73 KB |
Views Total: | 8874 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
Mambo is a jQuery plugin that takes advantage of HTML5 Canvas
element and javascript to create rounded badges with labels, display percentages or both. Perfect for circular loading (progress) bar, image badge, color badge, label with value, etc.
Basic Usage:
1. Include the latest jQuery library and jQuery Mambo plugin on the page
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="jquery.mambo.min.js"></script>
2. Create the html for the badge using Canvas
<canvas class="demo" width="180" height="180">
3. The javascript
$(".demo").mambo({ percentage: 65 });
4. Options
$(".demo").mambo({ percentage: 100, // The percentage represented by the badge. image: none, // If an image path is specified label will not be considered. The image will be scaled to the maximum size that fits the badge. label: none, // The label show in the badge; due to technical limitations the max length i 3 chars. If neither label and image are not set the badge will show the percentage. labelColor: #FFF, // Let you choose the text color. The color will be applied also to the value if showed. displayValue: true, // Indicates if the value should be displayed or not above the text. If the label is not specified the scripts automatically shows the value. circleColor: #F2AC29, // The color used to fill the internal circle. circleBorder: #FFF, // The color used for the internal circle border. ringStyle: percentage, // If "percentage" the external ring will be drawn proportionally to the value of the percentage; e.g.: 100% will draw a full circle around the badge, 50% half a circle and so on. If "full" a complete ring is drawn, regardeless of the percentage value. ringColor: #F2762E, // The color used for the external ring. ringBackground: #CCC, // If you chose to draw a complete ring using ringstyle: "full", the remaining part of the circle will be filled with this color. drawShadow: false // Draw a little shadow on the edge of the badge. });
Change log:
- Fixed a problem with percentage equal to 0.
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by NinjaTux. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.