jQuery Plugin To Move Elements Based On Screen Size - MoveIt

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License: MIT
jQuery Plugin To Move Elements Based On Screen Size - MoveIt

MoveIt is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin which allows to move any element to another when the screen size matches a specified breakpoint.

How to use it:

1. To use this plugin, you need to load the jQuery MoveIt plugin after the jQuery library is loaded.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-3.0.0.min.js"></script>
<script src="moveIt.js"></script>

2. The JavaScript to move an element. In this case, the element '.block' will be placed under the '.header' when the screen size is smaller than 640px.

    el: '.block', 
    moveTo: '#header',
    position: 'append', 
    bpDirection: 'max-width'
], 640);

3. The plugin also has the ability to move multiple elements at different breakpoints specified in the JavaScript.

    el: '#el-1',
    moveTo: '#container-2'
    el: '#el-2',
    moveTo: '#container-2'
], 640);

4. Pass the following parameters to each item object to override the default options.

// Element to be moved
el: '.block',

// target element
moveTo: '#header',

// 'append' or 'before'
position: 'append',

// or 'min-width'
bpDirection: 'max-width',

// override the default breakpoint
breakpoint: 480,

// remove any script tags within the element you are moving.
removeInlineScripts: false

5. Events.

$('.container').on('itemMoved', function() {
  // Triggered when any item is moved, there or back.

$('.container').on('itemMovedThere', function() {
  // Triggered when any item is moved to destination.

$('.container').on('itemMovedBack', function() {
  // Triggered when any item is moved back to original position.

$('.container').on('itemsMovedThere', function() {
  // Triggered when all items have moved to destination.

$('.container').on('itemsMovedBack', function() {
  // Triggered when all items have moved back to original position.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by tandroid1. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.