Multilingual Number To Word Converter - jQuery SpellingNumber
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License: | MIT |

SpellingNumber is a jQuery based multilingual number to word converter that helps convert any numbers (such as Currency, Weight, Length, ...) to words equivalent.
See Also:
- Convert Number/Money To Words - numbersinwords
- jQuery Plugin To Convert Numbers Into Words - num2words
Supported Languages:
- English (en)
- Portuguese (Brazil) (pt)
- Portuguese (Portugal) (ptPT)
- Spanish (es)
- French (fr)
- Esperanto (eo)
- Vietnamese (vi)
- Arabic (ar)
- Azerbaijan (az)
- Turkish (tr)
- English (Indian) (enIndian)
- Ukrainian (uk)
- Indonesian (id)
- Russian (ru)
How to use it:
1. Load the main script jquerySpellingNumber.js
after jQuery library.
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script> <script src="/path/to/jquerySpellingNumber.js"></script>
2. Convert numbers (Integers or floats) to English words:
$.spellingNumber(1625444.13); // => One Million Six Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Four Hundred And Forty-Four Point One Hundred Thirty
3. Determine which language the converter should use. Default: 'en'.
$.spellingNumber(12300.23, { lang: "ar" }); // => إثنا عشر ألف وثلاثمائة ليرة لبنانية و مائتان وثلاثون قرش
4. Determine whether to use a separator instead of 'and'. Default: false.
$.spellingNumber(12300.23, { noAnd: true });
5. Customize the wholes & fraction units. Default: empty.
$.spellingNumber(12300.23, { wholesUnit: "dollars", fractionUnit: "cents", digitsLengthW2F: 2, decimalSeperator: "and" }); // => Twelve Thousand Three Hundred Dollars And Twenty-Three Cents
6. Config the default languages or create a new one.
$.spellingNumber(12300.23, { i18n: { 'en': { "useLongScale": false, "baseSeparator": "-", "unitSeparator": "and ", "decimalSeperator": 'and ', "base": { "0": "zero", "1": "one", "2": "two", "3": "three", "4": "four", "5": "five", "6": "six", "7": "seven", "8": "eight", "9": "nine", "10": "ten", "11": "eleven", "12": "twelve", "13": "thirteen", "14": "fourteen", "15": "fifteen", "16": "sixteen", "17": "seventeen", "18": "eighteen", "19": "nineteen", "20": "twenty", "30": "thirty", "40": "forty", "50": "fifty", "60": "sixty", "70": "seventy", "80": "eighty", "90": "ninety" }, "units": [ "hundred", "thousand", "million", "billion", "trillion", "quadrillion", "quintillion", "sextillion", "septillion", "octillion", "nonillion", "decillion", "undecillion", "duodecillion", "tredecillion", "quattuordecillion", "quindecillion" ], "unitExceptions": [] }, 'eo':{ "useLongScale": false, "baseSeparator": " ", "unitSeparator": "", "base": { "0": "nulo", "1": "unu", "2": "du", "3": "tri", "4": "kvar", "5": "kvin", "6": "ses", "7": "sep", "8": "ok", "9": "naŭ", "10": "dek", "20": "dudek", "30": "tridek", "40": "kvardek", "50": "kvindek", "60": "sesdek", "70": "sepdek", "80": "okdek", "90": "naŭdek", "100": "cent", "200": "ducent", "300": "tricent", "400": "kvarcent", "500": "kvincent", "600": "sescent", "700": "sepcent", "800": "okcent", "900": "naŭcent" }, "units": [ { "useBaseInstead": true, "useBaseException": [] }, { "singular": "mil", "avoidPrefixException": [1] }, { "singular": "miliono", "plural": "milionoj", "avoidPrefixException": [1] }, { "singular": "miliardo", "plural": "miliardoj", "avoidPrefixException": [1] }, { "singular": "biliono", "plural": "bilionoj", "avoidPrefixException": [1] } ], "unitExceptions": [] }, 'es':{ "useLongScale": true, "baseSeparator": " y ", "unitSeparator": "", "base": { "0": "cero", "1": "uno", "2": "dos", "3": "tres", "4": "cuatro", "5": "cinco", "6": "seis", "7": "siete", "8": "ocho", "9": "nueve", "10": "diez", "11": "once", "12": "doce", "13": "trece", "14": "catorce", "15": "quince", "16": "dieciséis", "17": "diecisiete", "18": "dieciocho", "19": "diecinueve", "20": "veinte", "21": "veintiuno", "22": "veintidós", "23": "veintitrés", "24": "veinticuatro", "25": "veinticinco", "26": "veintiséis", "27": "veintisiete", "28": "veintiocho", "29": "veintinueve", "30": "treinta", "40": "cuarenta", "50": "cincuenta", "60": "sesenta", "70": "setenta", "80": "ochenta", "90": "noventa", "100": "cien", "200": "doscientos", "300": "trescientos", "400": "cuatrocientos", "500": "quinientos", "600": "seiscientos", "700": "setecientos", "800": "ochocientos", "900": "novecientos", "1000": "mil" }, "unitExceptions": { "1000000": "un millón", "1000000000000": "un billón", "1000000000000000000": "un trillón", "1000000000000000000000000": "un cuatrillones", "1000000000000000000000000000000": "un quintillón", "1000000000000000000000000000000000000": "un sextillón", "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000": "un septillón", "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000": "un octillón", "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000": "un nonillón", "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000": "un decillón", "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000": "un undecillón", "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000": "un duodecillón", "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000": "un tredecillón", "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000": "un cuatordecillón", "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000": "un quindecillón" }, "units": [ { "singular": "ciento", "useBaseInstead": true, "useBaseException": [1] }, { "singular": "mil", "avoidPrefixException": [1] }, { "singular": "millón", "plural": "millones" }, { "singular": "billón", "plural": "billones" }, { "singular": "trillón", "plural": "trillones" }, { "singular": "cuatrillón", "plural": "cuatrillones" }, { "singular": "quintillón", "plural": "quintillones" }, { "singular": "sextillón", "plural": "sextillones" }, { "singular": "septillón", "plural": "septillones" }, { "singular": "octillón", "plural": "octillones" }, { "singular": "nonillón", "plural": "nonillones" }, { "singular": "decillón", "plural": "decillones" }, { "singular": "undecillón", "plural": "undecillones" }, { "singular": "duodecillón", "plural": "duodecillones" }, { "singular": "tredecillón", "plural": "tredecillones" }, { "singular": "cuatrodecillón", "plural": "cuatrodecillones" }, { "singular": "quindecillón", "plural": "quindecillones" } ] }, } });
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by mattar88. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.