Touch-enabled Image Comparison Slider - Cndk.BeforeAfter.Js

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Touch-enabled Image Comparison Slider - Cndk.BeforeAfter.Js

Cndk.BeforeAfter.Js is a tiny yet customizable and mobile-friendly image comparison slider plugin to quickly compare two pictures with mouse and touch events.

More Features:

  • Compares the difference between 2 images with mouse drag, mouse hover and touch events.
  • Light and dark themes.
  • Automatically compares 2 images with a sliding comparison slider.
  • Custom before/after text.
  • Auto adapts the image comparison slider to the height of the image.

How to use it:

1. Load jQuery library and the Cndk.BeforeAfter.Js plugin's files in the HTML file.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link href="/path/to/cndk.beforeafter.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="/path/to/cndk.beforeafter.js"></script>

2. Insert before/after images into the image comparison container.

<div class="beforeafterdefault">
  <div data-type="data-type-image">
    <div data-type="before"><img src="before.jpg"></div>
    <div data-type="after"><img src="after.jpg"></div>

3. Attach the function cndkbeforeafter to the parent container and the plugin will do the rest.


4. Compare the images with mouse drag and touch swipe events. Default: 'hover'.

  mode: "drag"

5. Determine whether or not to enable the 'Auto Compare' mode. Default: false.

  autoSliding: false,
  autoSlidingStopOnHover: true

6. Change the theme to 'Dark'.

  theme: "dark"

7. Change the styles of the image comparison slider.

  seperatorWidth: "4px",
  seperatorOpacity: "0.8"

8. Apply a shadow effect to the image comparison area on hover. Default: true.

  hoverEffect: false

9. Apply a reveal animation to the image comparison area on page load. Default: false.

  enterAnimation: true

10. Hide the before/after text if needed.

  showText: false

11. Customize the position of the before/after text.

  • top-left
  • top-right
  • bottom-left
  • bottom-right
  beforeTextPosition: "bottom-left",
  afterTextPosition: "bottom-right"

12. Customize the before/after text.

  beforeText: "BEFORE",
  afterText: "AFTER"

13. Or via data-title attributes in case there are multiple instances on a page.

<div data-type="data-type-image">
  <div data-type="before" data-title="Green"><img src="before.jpg"></div>
  <div data-type="after" data-title="Red"><img src="after.jpg"></div>



  • Fixed Touch events on mobile.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ilkerccom. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.