Trigger An Event When An Element Is Created - jQuery jCreate

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Trigger An Event When An Element Is Created - jQuery jCreate

jCreate is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that can be used to cause an event handler to fire when a new element has been created.

For example, one might want a function to run when new data is about to be inserted into the DOM for a web page.

How to use it:

1. Download the package and insert the jCreate plugin after jQuery.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/dist/jquery.jcreate.umd.js"></script>

2. This example shows how to use the jCreate plugin to apply a background color to the element when it is created.

<div id="example">
// Insert an element to the container
$('#example').append('<div>This is a new element</div>');
// fire a Create event
$('#example').on('create', '> div', function( event ) {
  event.$currentTarget.css('backgroundColor', '#000');

3. Available event props.

$('#example').on('create', '> div', function( event ) {

  // create

  // current DOM element

  // current DOM element as jQuery object

  // jQuery element where the currently-called jQuery event handler was attached

  // the difference in milliseconds between the time the browser created the event and January 1, 1970

4. Filter data by key.

<div data-component-name="example-name">
$(document).on('create', 'div', function(event) {
  // {name:"example-name"}

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by marcomontalbano. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.