Touch Enabled Content Slider in jQuery & Vanilla JavaScript - lory
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License: | MIT |
lory is a Vanilla JavaScript library that makes it easier to create a touch-enabled content slider/scroller with arrows navigation. Also provides a jQuery plugin which allows you to implement a minimal slider in your jQuery projects.
Key features:
- Supports single element or multiple elements in one slide.
- Provides options to custom easing effects.
- Custom transition effects & animation speed.
- Carousel-like infinite looping.
How to use it:
1. Install and import the lory module.
# Yarn $ yarn add lory.js # NPM $ npm install lory.js --save
import { lory } from 'lory.js';
2. To use the lory as a jQuery plugin, download and include the jquery.lory.js
script after jQuery library.
<script src="//"></script> <script src="dist/jquery.lory.js"></script>
3. Add slides together with next & prev navigation arrows into the slider.
<div class="slider js_demo demo"> <div class="frame js_frame"> <ul class="slides js_slides"> <li class="js_slide">Slide 1</li> <li class="js_slide">Slide 2</li> <li class="js_slide">Slide 3</li> </ul> </div> <span class="js_prev prev"> <svg xmlns="" width="50" height="50" viewBox="0 0 501.5 501.5"> <g> <path fill="#2E435A" d="M302.67 90.877l55.77 55.508L254.575 250.75 358.44 355.116l-55.77 55.506L143.56 250.75z"/> </g> </svg> </span> <span class="js_next next"> <svg xmlns="" width="50" height="50" viewBox="0 0 501.5 501.5"> <g> <path fill="#2E435A" d="M199.33 410.622l-55.77-55.508L247.425 250.75 143.56 146.384l55.77-55.507L358.44 250.75z"/> </g> </svg> </span> </div>
4. Initialize the content slider with default options.
// JavaScript document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { var mySlider = document.querySelector('.js_demo'); lory(mySlider, { // options here }); }); // jQuery Plugin $(function() { $('.js_demo').lory({ // options here }); });
5. Available options.
/** * slides scrolled at once * @slidesToScroll {Number} */ slidesToScroll: 1, /** * time in milliseconds for the animation of a valid slide attempt * @slideSpeed {Number} */ slideSpeed: 300, /** * time in milliseconds for the animation of the rewind after the last slide * @rewindSpeed {Number} */ rewindSpeed: 600, /** * time for the snapBack of the slider if the slide attempt was not valid * @snapBackSpeed {Number} */ snapBackSpeed: 200, /** * Basic easing functions: * cubic bezier easing functions: * @ease {String} */ ease: 'ease', /** * if slider reached the last slide, with next click the slider goes back to the startindex. * use infinite or rewind, not both * @rewind {Boolean} */ rewind: false, /** * number of visible slides or false * use infinite or rewind, not both * @infinite {number} */ infinite: false, /** * the slide index to show when the slider is initialized. * @initialIndex {number} */ initialIndex: 0, /** * class name for slider frame * @classNameFrame {string} */ classNameFrame: 'js_frame', /** * class name for slides container * @classNameSlideContainer {string} */ classNameSlideContainer: 'js_slides', /** * class name for slider prev control * @classNamePrevCtrl {string} */ classNamePrevCtrl: 'js_prev', /** * class name for slider next control * @classNameNextCtrl {string} */ classNameNextCtrl: 'js_next', /** * class name for current active slide * if emptyString then no class is set * @classNameActiveSlide {string} */ classNameActiveSlide: 'active', /** * enables mouse events for swiping on desktop devices * @enableMouseEvents {boolean} */ enableMouseEvents: false, /** * window instance * @window {object} */ window: typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : null, /** * If false, slides lory to the first slide on window resize. * @rewindOnResize {boolean} */ rewindOnResize: true
6. Event handlers.
var mySlider = $('.js_demo'); function handleEvent(e) { // custom function here } mySlider.on('before.lory.init', handleEvent); mySlider.on('after.lory.init', handleEvent); mySlider.on('before.lory.slide', handleEvent); mySlider.on('after.lory.slide', handleEvent); mySlider.on('before.lory.destroy', handleEvent); mySlider.on('after.lory.destroy', handleEvent); mySlider.on('on.lory.resize', handleEvent); mySlider.on('on.lory.touchend', handleEvent); mySlider.on('on.lory.touchmove', handleEvent); mySlider.on('on.lory.touchstart', handleEvent);
7. API methods.
// slide to a specific slide; // go to the next slide; // back to the previous slide; // reset the slider; // destroy the slider; // return the index of the current slide; // bind eventlisteners, merging default and user options, setup the slides based on DOM;
- Bug Fixes
- fix: add option for rewind on prev button
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by loryjs. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.