Smooth Carousel Slider With jQuery And GSAP

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Smooth Carousel Slider With jQuery And GSAP

This is a JQuery/CSS based carousel component that uses GSAP's Tweenmax.js for the smooth tween animations when navigating between slides.

How to use it:

1. The primary HTML structure for the carousel. Don't forget to replace the images & text with your owns:

<div class="slider">
  <div class="slider-wrapper flex">
    <div class="slide flex">
      <div class="slide-image slider-link prev">
        <img src="1.jpg">
        <div class="overlay"></div>
      <div class="slide-content">
        <div class="slide-date">30.07.2017.</div>
        <div class="slide-title">LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SITE MATE, AD EST ABHORREANT</div>
        <div class="slide-text">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ad est abhorreant efficiantur, vero oporteat apeirian in vel. Et appareat electram appellantur est. Ei nec duis invenire. Cu mel ipsum laoreet, per rebum omittam ex. </div>
        <div class="slide-more">READ MORE</div>
    <div class="slide flex">
      <div class="slide-image slider-link next">
        <img src="2.jpg">
        <div class="overlay"></div>
      <div class="slide-content">
        <div class="slide-date">30.08.2017.</div>
        <div class="slide-title">LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SITE MATE, AD EST ABHORREANT</div>
        <div class="slide-text">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ad est abhorreant efficiantur, vero oporteat apeirian in vel. Et appareat electram appellantur est. Ei nec duis invenire. Cu mel ipsum laoreet, per rebum omittam ex. </div>
        <div class="slide-more">READ MORE</div>
    <div class="slide flex">
      <div class="slide-image slider-link next">
        <img src="3.jpg">
        <div class="overlay"></div>
      <div class="slide-content">
        <div class="slide-date">30.09.2017.</div>
        <div class="slide-title">LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SITE MATE, AD EST ABHORREANT</div>
        <div class="slide-text">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ad est abhorreant efficiantur, vero oporteat apeirian in vel. Et appareat electram appellantur est. Ei nec duis invenire. Cu mel ipsum laoreet, per rebum omittam ex. </div>
        <div class="slide-more">READ MORE</div>
    <div class="slide flex">
      <div class="slide-image slider-link next">
        <img src="4.jpg">
        <div class="overlay"></div>
      <div class="slide-content">
        <div class="slide-date">30.10.2017.</div>
        <div class="slide-title">LOREM IPSUM DOLOR SITE MATE, AD EST ABHORREANT</div>
        <div class="slide-text">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ad est abhorreant efficiantur, vero oporteat apeirian in vel. Et appareat electram appellantur est. Ei nec duis invenire. Cu mel ipsum laoreet, per rebum omittam ex. </div>
        <div class="slide-more">READ MORE</div>
  <div class="arrows">
    <a href="#" title="Previous" class="arrow slider-link prev"></a>
    <a href="#" title="Next" class="arrow slider-link next"></a> 

2. The primary CSS styles for the carousel:

.flex {
  display: -webkit-flex;
  display: flex;
  -webkit-flex-direction: row;
  flex-direction: row;
  -webkit-justify-content: flex-start;
  justify-content: flex-start;

.slider-wrapper div { position: relative; }

.slider-wrapper {
  margin-top: 5vw;
  margin-left: 11vw;

.slide-image { height: 24vw; }

.slide-image img {
  width: 24vw;
  cursor: pointer;

.slide-content {
  width: 25vw;
  color: #fff;
  padding: 3vw 18vw 3vw 9vw;

.slide-date {
  color: #0a8acb;
  font-size: 1.1vw;
  font-weight: 400;
  letter-spacing: 0.1vw;
  padding-bottom: 1.4vw;

.slide-title {
  font-size: 1.2vw;
  font-weight: 400;
  letter-spacing: 0.1vw;
  line-height: 1.55vw;
  padding-bottom: 1.8vw;

.slide-text {
  font-size: 0.80vw;
  line-height: 1.2vw;
  opacity: 0.8;
  padding-bottom: 4vw;

.slide-more {
  font-weight: 400;
  letter-spacing: 0.1vw;
  float: left;
  font-size: 0.9vw;

.slide-bullet {
  width: 0.5vw;
  height: 0.5vw;
  background-color: #0b8bcc;
  border-radius: 200%;
  position: relative;
  margin-left: 1.2vw;

.slide-nav {
  margin-left: 64vw;
  margin-top: -5.5vw;

div.overlay-blue {
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  transition: 0.5s ease all;

div.overlay-blue:hover { background-color: rgba(13, 27, 43, 0.5); }

3. Style & position the navigation arrows:

.arrows {
  width: 3.5vw;
  margin-top: -5.8vw;
  margin-left: 72vw;
  position: relative;

.arrow {
  display: inline-block;
  position: absolute;
  width: 1.2vw;
  height: 1.2vw;
  background: transparent;
  text-indent: -9999px;
  border-top: 0.15vw solid #fff;
  border-left: 0.15vw solid #fff;
  transition: all .1s ease-in-out;
  text-decoration: none;
  color: transparent;

.arrow:hover {
  border-color: #0A8ACB;
  border-width: 0.25vw;

.arrow:before {
  display: block;
  height: 200%;
  width: 200%;
  margin-left: -50%;
  margin-top: -50%;
  content: "";
  transform: rotate(45deg);

.arrow.prev {
  transform: rotate(-45deg);
  left: 0;
} {
  transform: rotate(135deg);
  right: 0;

4. Include the necessary jQuery and Tweenmax.js JavaScript libraries at the bottom of the html page.

<script src="//"></script> 
<script src="//"></script> 

5. The JavaScript to enable the carousel.

$(document).ready(function() {
  var s           = $('.slider'),
      sWrapper    = s.find('.slider-wrapper'),
      sItem       = s.find('.slide'),
      btn         = s.find('.slider-link'),
      sWidth      = sItem.width(),
      sCount      = sItem.length,
      slide_date  = s.find('.slide-date'),
      slide_title = s.find('.slide-title'),
      slide_text  = s.find('.slide-text'),
      slide_more  = s.find('.slide-more'),
      slide_image = s.find('.slide-image img'),
      sTotalWidth = sCount * sWidth;
  sWrapper.css('width', sTotalWidth);
  sWrapper.css('width', sTotalWidth);
  var clickCount  = 0;
  btn.on('click', function(e) {

    if( $(this).hasClass('next') ) {
      ( clickCount < ( sCount - 1 ) ) ? clickCount++ : clickCount = 0;
    } else if ( $(this).hasClass('prev') ) {
      ( clickCount > 0 ) ? clickCount-- : ( clickCount = sCount - 1 );
    }, 0.4, {x: '-' + ( sWidth * clickCount ) })


    var fromProperties = {autoAlpha:0, x:'-50', y:'-10'};
    var toProperties = {autoAlpha:0.8, x:'0', y:'0'};

    TweenLite.fromTo(slide_image, 1, {autoAlpha:0, y:'40'}, {autoAlpha:1, y:'0'});
    TweenLite.fromTo(slide_date, 0.4, fromProperties, toProperties);
    TweenLite.fromTo(slide_title, 0.6, fromProperties, toProperties);
    TweenLite.fromTo(slide_text, 0.8, fromProperties, toProperties);
    TweenLite.fromTo(slide_more, 1, fromProperties, toProperties);


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by gvrban. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.