Simple Smooth Image Carousel Plugin - jQuery SnackSlider

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Simple Smooth Image Carousel Plugin - jQuery SnackSlider

SnackSlider is a simple, lightweight, dynamic, responsive image slider/carousel plugin which uses CSS transitions and transforms for smooth slide/fade animations.

It also supports CSS object-fit property that dynamically stretches/crops/shrinks images to fit their container element.

How to use it:

1. Add references to jQuery library and the SnackSlider plugin's files:

<link href="snackslider.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="" integrity="sha384-JUMjoW8OzDJw4oFpWIB2Bu/c6768ObEthBMVSiIx4ruBIEdyNSUQAjJNFqT5pnJ6" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="snackslider.js"></script>

2. Create a container in which the carousel will generate.

<div class="slider">

3. Call the SnackSlider on the container and specify the path to the images in a JS array:

const slider = new SnackSlider({
      selector: '.slider',
      children: [

4. Customize the transition type.

  • 'right': Right to left. Default.
  • 'left': Left to right.
  • 'top': Top to bottom.
  • 'bottom': Bottom to top.
  • 'fade': Fade in/out.
const slider = new SnackSlider({
      selector: '.slider',
      children: [
      mode: 'left'

5. Determine how to resize the image to fit its parent.

  • 'cover': The image will be sized to maintain its aspect ratio while filling the container. Default.
  • 'fill': The image will completely fill the container.
  • 'contain': The image will be scaled to maintain its aspect ratio while fitting within the container.
const slider = new SnackSlider({
      selector: '.slider',
      children: [
      fit: 'cover'

6. Set the background color of the image.

const slider = new SnackSlider({
      selector: '.slider',
      children: [
      background: 'white'

7. Set the animation speed & autoplay interval.

const slider = new SnackSlider({
      selector: '.slider',
      children: [
      speed: 1000,
      pause: 4000

8. Set the width/height of the carousel. 0 means to use the parent's size.

const slider = new SnackSlider({
      selector: '.slider',
      children: [
      const slider = new SnackSlider({
      selector: '.slider',
      children: [
      width: 0,
      height: 0

9. Override the default settings programmatically.


10. API methods.

// remove an image

// insert a new image
slider.insert(1, '4.jpg');

// play;

// start

// stop

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by rheesh. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.