Free jQuery Sprite Animation Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Sprite Animation' are listed here.
Create Halloween Bats Flying Around The Page With jQuery
- Animation - 4138 ViewsA fancy jQuery plugin designed for Halloween that displays a swarm of bats (or any other images) flying around the webpage.
Versatile jQuery Product Image Viewer Plugin - SpriteSpin
- Other - 31818 ViewsSpriteSpin is an amazing jQuery plugin for playing sprite image animations to provide a 360 degree (or panorama and gallery) view of your product image.
Configurable Sprite Based Animations - ImageSpritePlay
- Animation - 1047 ViewsImageSpritePlay is a simple yet powerful jQuery sprite animator for creating fancy configurable animations from image sprites you provide.
Fully Controllable Sprite Animation Plugin With jQuery - spriteAnimator
- Animation - 2414 ViewsspriteAnimator is a simple jQuery sprite animation plugin which enables you to create a fully controllable image sequence animation using background sprites.
Easy Sprite Animation Using jQuery and Html5 Canvas - spriteAnimate
- Animation - 2783 ViewsJust another jQuery Spritesheet Animation plugin used to animate a sprite sheet using HTML5 canvas and requestAnimationFrame.
Simple Image Sequence Animation Plugin With jQuery - UixSimpleImagesAnim
- Animation - 3976 ViewsUixSimpleImagesAnim is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you create custom sprite animations from image sequences like an animated GIF.
jQuery Plugin For Simple Image Sprite Animation - Gif Scratcher
- Animation - 2724 ViewsGif Scratcher is a jQuery plugin which allows you to animate image sprites with custom interactions.
Easy Image Sprite Animation On Hover Using jQuery - spriteControl
- Animation - 1951 ViewsspriteControl is a jQuery & jQuery UI widget used to animate an image sprite frame by frame on mouse hover. Easy to use and highly customizable.
jQuery Plugin To Create Image Sequence Animation On Scroll - Sequencer
- Animation - 15793 ViewsSequencer is a super tiny (~1kb minified) jQuery plugin which allows you to create GIF style image sequence animation as you scroll down or up the webpage.
Minimal jQuery Plugin To Create Sprite Animations - Spify
- Animation - 1401 ViewsSpify is a dead simple jQuery plugin used to create sprite animations on elements using CSS Image Sprites.
jQuery Animating Sprites Plugin - animateSprite
- Animation - 2615 ViewsanimateSprite is a funny jQuery plugin that makes it easy to create animating sprites in a block element.
Spritely - Pure HTML & jQuery Background Animation Plugin
- Animation - 3072 ViewsSpritely is a jQuery Plugin written by Artlogic that allows you to create dynamic character and background animation in pure HTML and JavaScript.
Sprite Sheet Animation with jQuery and CSS - aniJS
- Animation - 3613 ViewsaniJS is a jQuery plugin used to create a cross browser image animation by using sprite sheet containing all the frames of the animation and CSS background properties.
jQuery Plugin For Frame-By-Frame Sprites Animations - SpriteClip.js
- Animation - 5221 ViewsSpriteClip.js is a jQuery plugin that provides a simple way to animate sprites for creating frame by frame animations, similar to the AS3's MovieClip.