Free jQuery feed Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'feed' are listed here.
jQuery RSS/ATOM Feed Handling Plugin - FeedEk
- Other - 5274 ViewsFeedEk is a feed widget built with jQuery for reading, importing, parsing RSS/ATOM Feeds from any domain.
Display Your Instagram Feed Using The New Instagram API
- Social Media - 11567 ViewsA jQuery script that displays your Instagram feed on the webpage using the official Instagram Graph API and AJAX requests
Add Instagram Photos To Your Website Without API - jQuery instagramFeed
- Social Media - 57041 ViewsA responsive, highly-customizable Instagram Photo Gallery plugin that adds Instagram photos from any user to your website without the need of the Instagram access token.
Fetch And Display Instagram Photo Feeds By Tags Or Users - instastory.js
- Social Media - 10765 Viewsinstastory.js is a jQueyr Instagram Feed plugin that fetches and displays the most recent Instagram photos based on hashtags or username you specify.
Tiny jQuery Based RSS Reader With Custom Template - RSS.js
- Social Media - 10249 ViewsA lightweight, customizable jQuery RSS reader which has the ability to parse and display RSS/ATOM feeds with custom date rendering templates on the webpage.
Masonry Instagram Photo Grid With Infinite Scroll - jQuery MasonGram
- Social Media - 5837 ViewsMasonGram is a fancy jQuery Instagram Feed plugin which fetches images from any Instagram user and displays them in a responsive Masonry-based photo grid with infinte scroll support.
jQuery Plugin To Display RSS Feeds On Your Webpage - YRSS
- Social Media - 14022 ViewsYRSS is a jQuery RSS reader plugin which uses YQL to fetch data from any RSS feed and display it on your webpage.
jQuery Plugin To Display Google Plus Feeds On Your Website
- Social Media - 2521 ViewsA jQuery social feed plugin which makes use of to get and display Google+ feeds from any Google+ page or user profile on your website.
Display Tumblr Posts From Any User - jQuery TumblrPosts
- Social Media - 604 ViewsThe TumblrPosts jQuery plugin fetches and displays the latest posts from any Tumblr user/blog.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Social Network Feed - Social Feed
- Social Media - 22516 ViewsSocial Feed is a simple jQuery plugin that allows to retrieve and display status, posts, images from different social networks.
Add Instagram Photos To Your Website - jQuery gramfeed
- Social Media - 257 Viewsgramfeed is a replacement for the instafeed.js library that adds Instagram photos from any user to your website by using the Instagram's hidden graph API URL.
Get Instagram Photos From Specific Users Or Hashtags - jQuery instaHistory.js
- Social Media - 8002 ViewsA jQuery Instagram Feed plugin which retrieves and displays the latest Instagram photos from a specific hashtag or a specific user without the need of Instagram API.
Minimal Instagram Feed Plugin For jQuery - IgJs
- Social Media - 2090 ViewsIgJs is a jQuery plugin to display the latest posts from any user by scraping the html from user page via cors proxy and parses it into meaningful JSON (currently hardcoded to append Bootstrap formatted images).
Github Commit Feed Plugin With jQuery - ReGittr
- Social Media - 704 ViewsReGittr is a very small JavaScript/jQuery plugin that allows you to quickly create a small Github commit/news feed widget on your website.
jQuery Plugin To Embed Public Google+ Feeds In Your Website
- Social Media - 3367 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin to display activity feeds (posts, photos, videos, shared count, etc) of your Google plus account in the website.
jQuery Plugin To Create Photo Stream Feeds From Various Networks - Social Image Feed
- Social Media - 1395 ViewsSocial Image Feed is a jQuery plugin which fetches and displays photo steam feeds from various networks: Instagram, Tumblr, WeHeartIt, Pinterest, Flickr, DeviantArt and Behance.
Simple RSS Reader With jQuery And Google Feed API - RssReader
- Social Media - 2940 ViewsA simple yet customizable jQuery based RSS reader that allows to fetch and display any public Atom, RSS, or Media RSS feed on the webpage using Google Feed API.
Lightweight jQuery RSS Reader Using Yahoo API - htmlfromrss.js
- Social Media - 2628 Viewshtmlfromrss.js is a lightweight jQuery RSS Aggregator / Reader that parses and displays multiple RSS / ATOM feeds using the Yahoo's YQL library.
Simple jQuery RSS Aggregator With jQuery And Google Feeds API - Agrogator
- Social Media - 2118 ViewsAgrogator is a JQuery based RSS reader that imports, merges and displays RSS and Atom feeds on your website using Google Feed API.
Show A Stream of Your Online Activity With jQuery - lifestream
- Other - 7895 Viewslifestream is a jQuery plugin that shows a stream of your online activity using the feeds of most major social media services.
jQuery Plugin To Display Facebook Fan Page Activity Feed - FB Wall
- Social Media - 7839 ViewsFB Wall is a lightweight jQuery plugin that embeds a custom activity feed (e.g. posts, photos, events) from any Facebook fan page into your web page.
jQuery Plugin For Simple News Feed Ticker - Breaking News
- Rotator - 23016 ViewsBreaking News is a simple jQuery plugin to get feeds from an user provided feed URL and display them sequentially like a news ticker.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Social Network Feeds - beyondsocial.js
- Social Media - 4056 ViewsBeyond Social is a Jquery plugin to display social network feeds on your webpage.
Social Feed Plugin with jQuery - SOCIALIST
- Social Media - 13388 ViewsSOCIALIST is a flexable jQuery Social Media Plugin that enables you to creates a social stream (or social "wall") using AJAX from multiple social media feeds in one place.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Tumblr Blog Posts - Tumbax
- Social Media - 1237 ViewsTumbax is a simple jQuery plugin for displaying posts, feeds, news or simple notifications from any tumblr blog, using tumblr application API Key.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Tumblr Blog Feeds - Tumbo
- Social Media - 1009 ViewsTumbo is a simple jQuery plugin that displays a customizable tumblr blog widget on your website.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying Multiple Social Feeds On One Page
- Social Media - 5252 ViewsA simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that displays and combines multiple popular social media feeds from a given user on your web page.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying YouTube Video Feed - Yunero
- Social Media - 3804 ViewsYunero is a jQuery plugin that creates a widget on your website to display a video feed for YouTube channel uploads or custom playlist with subscription box.
Facebook Fan Page Feed Widget with Likes - Facio
- Social Media - 3011 ViewsFacio is a jQuery Plugin that allows you to create a Facebook Fan page feed widget with Likes.
Fetch and Display Instagram Photo Feeds - pectragram
- Other - 1887 Viewspectragram is a lightweight (4KB gzip) and easy-to-use plugin for fetching and displaying user, popular or tags photo feeds on list items or any other HTML tag you define by using Instagram API.