Free jQuery video background Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'video background' are listed here.
Use Youtube/Vimeo/HTML5 Videos As A Fullscreen Background - youtube-background.js
- Other - 23983 ViewsYet another jQuery/Vanilla JS Video Background plugin which makes Youtube/Vimeo/HTML5 videos behavior like a covering background.
10 Best Video Background Plugins In JavaScript (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 11704 ViewsWant to have an excellent video background on the web page? Here is the list of the 10 best JavaScript/jQuery plugins that make it easier to implement the video background on your next project.
Responsive Background Video & Image Plugin - Anamorph.js
- Other - 1460 ViewsA tiny JavaScript plugin that makes it easy for you to use HTML5 or Youtube videos as backgrounds on your website, instead of regular images.
Awesome Video Background Plugin with HTML5 and Youtube API - YTPlayer
- Other - 110337 ViewsYTPlayer is a jQuery plugin that allows you to use a youtube video as the background of your web page using html5 data-* attributes and youtube API.
jQuery Plugin For HTML5 Video Background With Fallback Image - vidbacking
- Other - 4430 Viewsvidbacking is a responsive, cross-platform jQuery video background solution that allows an HTML5 video to be used as a background for container or the whole webpage.
HTML5 Background Player For Vimeo Videos - mb.vimeoPlayer
- Other - 14657 Viewsmb.vimeoPlayer is a jQuery HTML5 video background plugin which allows you to insert a fully controllable Vimeo video player as the background of any container element.
Put HTML5 Video As A Background In HTML - jQuery Tape.js
- Other - 3467 ViewsAn HTML5 video builder that allows you to put an HTML5 video as a covering background in any container element.
Fullscreen Youtube Video Background Plugin with jQuery
- Other - 21674 ViewsJust another jQuery wrapper for Youtube API that allows to embed a YouTube video into your web page as a video background.
Easy HTML5 & Youtube Video Background Plugin - container.player
- Other - 6112 Viewscontainer.player is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to set any HTML5 or Youtube video as a responsive background for a specified container or the whole page.
Youtube Video Background With Mobile Fallback - yt-video-background.js
- Other - 2636 ViewsYet another jQuery based Youtube video background plugin with a graceful fallback to a specified background image on mobile devices.
Use HTML5 Videos As Covering Backgrounds - JVideoBackground
- Other - 1537 ViewsThe JVideoBackground jQuery plugin shows and plays HTML5 video as the background of the whole body or a specific container such as div, header, section, etc.
Lightweight HTML5 Video Background Plugin with jQuery
- Other - 8087 ViewsYet another lightweight jQuery background video plugin which allows you to use an HTML5 video as a covering background for any container.
Lightweight Responsive Video Background Plugin - videoBackground
- Other - 1891 ViewsA lightweight, responsive video background plugin for jQuery that allows you to use HTML5 or Youtube videos as backgrounds for specific containers.
Customizable Video Background Plugin - jQuery backgroundVideo
- Slider - 2069 ViewsYet another jQuery video background plugin to make your webpage more gorgeous and attractive.
Easy Youtube & HTML5 Video Background Plugin - ultimate-background
- Other - 2480 ViewsJust another video background plugin with jQuery that allows to use Youtube and/or HTML5 videos as covering backgrounds for any containers you specify.
Create Responsive Fullscreen Backgrounds With jQuery
- Other - 2898 ViewsA simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a responsive fullscreen background that will auto resize to fill the screen on window resize.
Fully Configurable HTML5 Video Background Plugin With jQuery
- Other - 2532 ViewsJust another jQuery video background plugin that makes your HTML5 video full window and scales to the regular aspect ratio just like the CSS background-size: cover property.
jQuery Plugin For Fullscreen Youtube / Vimeo Videos - fullscreeneo
- Layout - 3066 Viewsfullscreeneo is an extremely lightweight jQuery plugin that makes iframe element fullscreen and fully responsive for iFrame embedded YouTube and Vimeo videos.
Responsive Full Page Video Background Plugin with jQuery - Vide
- Other - 26465 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin for creating an Html5 video background that is responsive to fit within any container.
Responsive Background Video Plugin With Parallax Effect - backgroundVideo
- Other - 14353 ViewsbackgroundVideo is a jQuery plugin that allows to set any html5 video as a background for a specific container, with an optional parallax effect on vertical page scrolling.
Youtubebackground.js - A Wrapper For The Youtube API
- Other - 3284 ViewsjQuery Youtubebackground.js is a wrapper for the Youtube API, great for fullscreen background videos or just regular videos. 360° Videos are supported as well.
jQuery Plugin For HTML5 Video Background - vidbg.js
- Other - 5112 ViewsYet another jQuery video background plugin which allows HTML5 videos to be used as backgrounds on specific containers, with a fallback to background image on legacy browsers.
Youtube Video Background With Custom Controls - jQuery Zero-TV
- Other - 2542 ViewsZero-TV is a jQuery plugin that allows you to use Youtube videos as a background for your webpage, with support for custom video controls and playlist.
Youtube Video Background With Custom Controls - jQuery ytbgnav.js
- Other - 3937 Viewsytbgnav.js is a jQuery plugin that utilizes Youtube Player API to create a fullscreen Youtube video background with custom controls and playlist for your webpage.
Customizable Youtube Video Background Plugin For jQuery - tubeback
- Other - 1351 Viewstubeback is a highly customizable jQuery video background plugin which uses a YouTube video of your choice into your page as a background.
Custom Vimeo Video Background Plugin with jQuery - Vimeofy
- Other - 2163 ViewsVimeofy is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin which uses a Vimeo video as the background of any container element.
jQuery Plugin For Fullscreen YouTube Video Backgrounds - tubular
- Other - 11382 Viewstubular is a simpe jQuery plugin that allows you to use a youTube video as a full-screen dynamic background on your website.
Simplest Youtube Video Background Plugin For jQuery - rsBackVid
- Other - 1418 ViewsrsBackVid is a simple yet customizable jQuery plugin which allows you to use an Youtube video as a fullscreen background for your webpage by using Youtube iframe API.
Simple Youtube Video Background Plugin For jQuery - bigYouTube
- Other - 1164 ViewsbigYouTube is a tiny jQuery plugin that allows you use an Youtube video as a video background for any container.
HTML5 Video Background Plugin With jQuery - covervid
- Other - 3901 ViewsCovervid is a jQuery plugin that simulates background-size:cover on video tag to create a fullscreen Html5 video background for your website.
Responsive Fullscreen Background Video Plugin - Backcodex
- Other - 1743 Viewsbackcodex is a simple-to-use jQuery plugin which allows for an Html5 video to be used as a responsive, full window background for your website.
jQuery Plugin For Fullscreen Vimeo Video Background - Vimelar
- Other - 7637 ViewsVimelar is a jQuery plugin that allows Vimeo videos to be used as fullscreen backgrounds on your websites.
Fullscreen Background Video Plugin For jQuery - BigVideo
- Layout - 25012 ViewsBigVideo is an awesome jQuery plugin for adding fit-to-fill background video to websites.
Responsive Html5 Video Background Plugin with jQuery - VideoBackground.js
- Layout - 12990 ViewsJust another lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a fullpage, responsive video background using reqular Html5 videos.