Animated Emoji Picker Plugin With jQuery - mb.emoticons
File Size: | 3.84 MB |
Views Total: | 4599 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
The mb.emoticons jQuery plugin appends an emoji picker to the textarea element that allows to convert Emoji keywords to animated GIFs.
How to use it:
1. Download and insert the JavaScript file jquery.mb.emoticons.js
after jQuery library.
<script src=""></script> <script src="inc/jquery.mb.emoticons.js"></script>
2. Initialize the emoji picker on the target textarea
and done.
<textarea id="ta" class="ta"></textarea>
$(function(){ $("#ta").mbSmilesBox(); })
3. To render the emoji strings as animated GIFs.
<div id="render" style="display:none"></div>
4. Options and defaults.
$("#ta").mbSmilesBox({ smilesPath:"", smiles: { "(angel)": "angel", " :@": "angry", "(bandit)": "bandit", "(bear)": "bear", "(beer)": "beer", " :D": "bigsmile", "(bow)": "bow", "(u)": "brokenheart", "(bug)": "bug", "(^)": "cake", "(call)": "call", "(cash)": "cash", "(clap)": "clapping", "(coffee)": "coffee", " 8-)": "cool", " ;(": "crying", "(dance)": "dance", "(devil)": "devil", "(doh)": "doh", "(drink)": "drink", "(drunk)": "drunk", "(dull)": "dull", "(blush)": "eblush", "(emo)": "emo", "(envy)": "envy", " ]:)": "evilgrin", "(F)": "flower", "(fubar)": "fubar", "(giggle)": "giggle", "(handshake)": "handshake", "(happy)": "happy", "(headbang)": "headbang", "(heart)": "heart", "(heidy)": "heidy", "(hi)": "hi", "(inlove)": "inlove", "(wasntme)": "itwasntme", "(kiss)": "kiss", " :x": "lipssealed", "(mail)": "mail", "(makeup)": "makeup", "(finger)": "middlefinger", "(mmm)": "mmm", "(mooning)": "mooning", "(~)": "movie", "(muscle)": "muscle", "(music)": "music", "(myspace)": "myspace", " 8-|": "nerd", "(ninja)": "ninja", "(no)": "no", "(nod)": "nod", "(party)": "party", "(phone)": "phone", "(pizza)": "pizza", "(poolparty)": "poolparty", "(puke)": "puke", "(punch)": "punch", "(rain)": "rain", "(rock)": "rock", "(rofl)": "rofl", " :(": "sadsmile", "(shake)": "shake", "(skype)": "skype", " |-)": "sleepy", "(smile)": "smile", "(smirk)": "smirk", "(smoke)": "smoke", " :|": "speechless", "(*)": "star", "(sun)": "sun", " :O": "surprised", "(swear)": "swear", "(sweat)": "sweating", "(talk)": "talking", "(think)": "thinking", "(o)": "time", "(tmi)": "tmi", "(toivo)": "toivo", " :P": "tongueout", "(wait)": "wait", "(whew)": "whew", "(wink)": "wink", " :^)": "wondering", " :S": "worried", "(yawn)": "yawn", "(yes)": "yes" }, smilesVariations: { ":-)": "smile", ":)": "smile" }, smileBoxBtn:"#smileBoxBtn", });
Change log:
- JS Update
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by pupunzi. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.