Easy iFrame-based Twitter Emoji Picker Plugin For jQuery - Emoojis

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License: MIT
Easy iFrame-based Twitter Emoji Picker Plugin For jQuery - Emoojis

The Emoojis jQuery plugin makes it easier to embed an iframe-based Twitter emoji picker into your web application. Based on Twitter's twemoji library. Licensed under the Apache license v2.0.

How to use it:

1. Create a container in which you want to display the emoji picker.

<div class="emoojis"></div>

2. Include the necessary jQuery library and the Emoojis jQuery plugin on the webpage.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="emoojis.js"></script>

3. Include the iFrame Resizer to auto resize the iframe depending on the screen's size.

<script src="iframeResizer.min.js"></script>

4. Active the Twitter emoji picker.


5. Default plugin options which can be passed as an object to the emoojis() function.


  // placeholder text
  text: undefined,

  // hides tabs
  hide: null,

  // active a tab
  active: undefined,

  // custom names
  names: {
    smiles: 'smiles and people',
    nature: 'animals and nature',
    food: 'food and drink',
    activities: 'activities',
    places: 'travel and places',
    objects: 'objects',
    symbols: 'symbols',
    flags: 'flags'

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by AlexxTrs. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.