Create Neon Light Text Effect In jQuery - neon_text.js

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Create Neon Light Text Effect In jQuery - neon_text.js

neon_text.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that uses CSS' text-shadow property to create a customizable neon effect on any text, with a glowing highlight effect oh mouse hover.

See also:

How to use it:

1. Include the latest version of jQuery library (Slim build) and the neon_text.js script on the html page.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="neon_text.js"></script>

2. Just call the function neonText() on the text container and done.


3. Customize the neon effect with the following options.

  textColor: '#FFFFFF',
  textSize: '40pt', 
  neonHighlight: '#FFFFFF', 
  neonHighlightColor: '#FF00DE',
  neonHighlightHover: '#00FFFF', 
  neonFontHover: '#FFFFFF'

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by KryvenkoSergiy. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.