Textile Editor For Textarea - jQuery textileToolbar

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License: MIT
Textile Editor For Textarea - jQuery textileToolbar

This is a textile toolbar jQuery plugin which adds a Textile Markup Language Editor with custom editor buttons to your textarea.

Supported editor buttons:

  • Spacer
  • Strong
  • Italic
  • Underline
  • Deleted
  • Code
  • H1
  • H2
  • H3
  • UL
  • OL
  • Pre
  • Img
  • Link
  • URL

How to use it:

1. Import the stylesheet textileToolbar.css in the head, and the JavaScript textileToolbar.js after jQuery library.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="textileToolbar.css">
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js" 
<script src="jquery.textileToolbar.js"></script>

2. Call the function on the textarea element and done.

<textarea id="textile-demo"></textarea>

3. Specify the buttons to display in the textile toolbar.

  toolbar: ["strong","italic","underline","spacer","ul","ol"]

4. Destroy and remove the textile toolbar.


5. Available configuration options.

  buttons: buttons, // see below
  toolbar: [
   Possible placement values:
    string 'beforeElement' default: place toolbar div immediately before the textarea
    string 'afterElement' place toolbar div immediately after the textarea
    string 'beforeParent' place toolbar div before the textarea's parent container
    string 'afterParent' place toolbar div after the textarea's parent container
    function callback returning jQuery element before which to place the toolbar
  placement: 'beforeElement'

6. Default editor buttons displayed in the toolbar.

var buttons = {
    spacer: {
        type: "spacer"
    strong: {
        type: "singleTag",
        title: "Strong",
        class: "strong",
        tag: "*"
    italic: {
        type: "singleTag",
        title: "Italic",
        class: "em",
        tag: "_"
    underline: {
        type: "singleTag",
        title: "Underline",
        class: "ins",
        tag: "+"
    deleted: {
        type: "singleTag",
        title: "Deleted",
        class: "del",
        tag: "-"
    code: {
        type: "singleTag",
        title: "Code",
        class: "code",
        tag: "@"
    h1: {
        type: "encloseLine",
        title: "Heading 1",
        class: "h1",
        startTag: "h1. ",
        endTag: "",
        searchExpression: /^h\d+\.\s+/,
        replacement: ""
    h2: {
        type: "encloseLine",
        title: "Heading 2",
        class: "h2",
        startTag: "h2. ",
        endTag: "",
        searchExpression: /^h\d+\.\s+/,
        replacement: ""
    h3: {
        type: "encloseLine",
        title: "Heading 3",
        class: "h3",
        startTag: "h3. ",
        endTag: "",
        searchExpression: /^h\d+\.\s+/,
        replacement: ""
    ul: {
        type: "encloseLine",
        title: "Unordered list",
        class: "ul",
        startTag: "",
        endTag: "",
        searchExpression: /(\n|^)[*-]?\s*/g,
        replacement: "$1* "
    ol: {
        type: "encloseLine",
        title: "Ordered list",
        class: "ol",
        startTag: "",
        endTag: "",
        searchExpression: /(\n|^)[*-]?\s*/g,
        replacement: "$1# "
    pre:  {
        type: "encloseLine",
        title: "Preformatted text",
        class: "pre",
        startTag: "<pre>\n",
        endTag: "\n</pre>",
        searchExpression: false,
        replacement: ""
    img: {
        type: "singleTag",
        title: "Image",
        class: "img",
        tag: "!"
    link: {
        type: "insertLink",
        title: "Link",
        class: "link"
    url: {
        type: "link",
        title: "Help",
        class: "help",
        url: "about:blank",
        window_properties: "resizable=yes, location=no, width=300, height=640, menubar=no, status=no, scrollbars=yes"



  • Added toolbar placement options


  • Added possibility to alter buttons behaviour in the options

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by mauntrelio. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.