Truncate Text By Words Or Characters - jQuery truncateMe

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Truncate Text By Words Or Characters - jQuery truncateMe

truncateMe is a tiny yet multi-functional text truncation plugin which helps you limit the length of your long text depending on the number of characters or words you specify.

How to use it:

1. Insert the minified version of the jQuery truncateMe plugin after jQuery and you're ready to go.

<script src="" 
<script src="truncateMe.min.js"></script>

2. Limit the length of your text to a specified number of words (Default: 50).

<p class="truncateMe">
  Your Text Here
  elem: '.truncateMe',
  trimTo: 10

3. Limit the length of your text to a specified number of characters (Default: 50).

<p class="truncateMe">
  Your Text Here
  words: false

4. You can also use a custom data attribute to limit the length for each text content.

<p class="truncateMe" 
   Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
  trimEach: 'data-truncateMe',
  words: false

5. Customize the Ellipsis characters displayed at the end of the truncated text.

  add: '<span class="truncateMe-dots"> [Read More]</span>'
.truncateMe-dots {
  /* your styles here */

6. Sometimes you might need to override the default seletor:

  elem: '.your-class'

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by HimasRafeek. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.