Dynamic Word/Tag Cloud Generator With jQuery And CSS3 - jQWCloud

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Dynamic Word/Tag Cloud Generator With jQuery And CSS3 - jQWCloud

jQWCloud is a jQuery plugin which makes use of plain HTML and CSS3 transforms to generate a neat word (tag) cloud from any text with custom weight and color.

How to use it:

1. Create a container element in which you want to generate the word cloud.

<div id="wordCloud"></div>

2. Insert jQuery JavaScript library and the jQWCloud.js into your html page.

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.2.1.slim.min.js" 
<script src="jQWCloud.js"></script>

3. Prepare your words & tags to be presented in the word cloud.

const myData = [
  {word: 'Prashant', weight: 40},
  {word: 'Sandeep', weight: 39},
  {word: 'Ajinkya', weight: 11, color: 'green'},
  {word: 'Rishi', weight: 27},
  {word: 'Kuldeep', weight: 36},
  {word: 'Vivek', weight: 39},
  {word: 'Saheer', weight: 12, color: 'green'},
  {word: 'Lohit', weight: 27},
  {word: 'Anirudh', weight: 36},
  {word: 'Raj', weight: 22},
  {word: 'Mohan', weight: 40},
  {word: 'Yadav', weight: 39},
  {word: 'India', weight: 11, color: 'green'},
  {word: 'USA', weight: 27},
  {word: 'Sreekar', weight: 36},
  {word: 'Ram', weight: 39},
  {word: 'Deepali', weight: 12, color: 'green'},
  {word: 'Kunal', weight: 27},
  {word: 'Rishi', weight: 80},
  {word: 'Chintan', weight: 22}          

4. The JavaScript to generate a basic word cloud in the page.

  words: myData

5. Customize the word cloud with the following options.


  // title
  title: 'JQ WOrd Cloud',

  // min/max font size
  minFont: 10,
  maxFont: 50,

  // font offset
  fontOffset: 0,

  // shows the algorithm of creating the word cloud
  showSpaceDIV: false,

  // Enables the vertical alignment of words
  verticalEnabled: true,

  // color
  cloud_color: null,

  // font family
  cloud_font_family: null,

  // color of covering divs
  spaceDIVColor: 'white',

  // left padding of words
  padding_left: null,

  // classes with space to be applied on each word
  word_common_classes: null

6. Callback functions available.

  word_click : function(){},
  word_mouseOver : function(){},
  word_mouseEnter : function(){},
  word_mouseOut : function(){},
  beforeCloudRender: function(){},
  afterCloudRender: function(){}



  • Refactor
  • Supports jQuery 3.4+

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by prashant1rana. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.