Curve Web Type With Animations - jQuery Circle Text

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Curve Web Type With Animations - jQuery Circle Text

Circle Text is a jQuery plugin to curve your text around a circle with a configurable spin/rotation animation.

The plugin splits your text into letters wrapped in separate elements and places them along the arc of a circle to create a curved effect.

Perfect for content dividers, section headings and site logos to draw visitors' attention.

How to use it:

1. Load the circleText.js library after the latest jQuery JavaScript library.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/circleText.js"></script>

2. Put your text to be curved and animated in a container element.

<div class="circle">

3. Attach the function circleText to the container element and done.

  // settings here

4. You can also specify the string to be curved in the content parameter during init.

  content: "jQueryScript.Net"

5. Enable & config the spin/rotation animation on the curved text.

  turn: true,
  duration: 10 // in seconds

6. Reverse the direction of rotation. Default: false (clockwise).

  reverse: true // anticlockwise

7. Determine the size of the cirlce (curved text). Default: 100px.

  radius: 50

8. Set the number of times the text is repeated and determine the separator between the repeated text. Default: 1.

  glue: " ~~ ",
  repeat: 2

9. Determine the background color of the container element. Default: empty.

  background: "#222"

10. Make the container element a circle using the CSS border-radius property. Default: true.

  rounded: false

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by bable3. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.