News Ticker With Typing And Fading Animations - jQuery Ticker.js

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News Ticker With Typing And Fading Animations - jQuery Ticker.js

Ticker.js is a lightweight jQuery pluging that converts an HTML list into an SEO-friendly news ticker with typing and fading animations. Useful for showcasing breaking news and recent blog posts in a professional way.


  • Displays items in random order.
  • Pause/Finish on hover.
  • Blinking cursor while typing.
  • Configurable fading animation.
  • Supports any HTML content.

See Also:

How to use it:

1. Include jQuery library and the Ticker.js plugin on the page.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/jquery.ticker.js"></script>

2. Create an HTML list for the news ticker.

<div class="ticker">
  <strong>Breaking News:</strong>
    <li>Breaking News #1</li>
    <li>Breaking News #2</li>
    <li><a href="#">Breaking News 3</a></li>

3. Call the function on the top container.


4. Apply CSS styles to the news ticker.

.ticker {
  /* CSS styles here */

.ticker div {
  /* CSS styles here */

5. Available options to customize the news ticker.


    // randomize the items
    random: false,

    // transition delay
    itemSpeed: 3000,

    // blinking speed
    cursorSpeed: 50,

    // pause on hover
    pauseOnHover: true,

    // finish on hover
    finishOnHover: true,

    // customize cursor
    cursorOne: '_',
    cursorTwo: '-',

    // config the fading animation
    fade: true,
    fadeInSpeed: 600,
    fadeOutSpeed: 300,

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by BenjaminRH. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.