Accessible Content Toggle Plugin - jQuery Toggle-Panel

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License: MIT
Accessible Content Toggle Plugin - jQuery Toggle-Panel

Toggle-Panel is a lightweight jQuery plugin that provides an elegant way to create accessible and mobile-friendly toggleable content (like spoilers and accordions) on the page, with support for ARIA attributes, roles, and keyboard interactions.

More Features:

  • Custom toggle mode: Slide, Toggle, or a function.
  • Auto closes all panels on mobile devices.
  • Auto set focus on the opened panel.
  • Custom trigger events: click or mouseover.
  • Custom ARIA labels.

How to use it:

1. Enable a button to show/hide a DIV element.

<button type="button" id="trigger-example">Toggle Panel-Example</button>
<div id="panel-example" class="panel">
  Content To Toggle

2. Hide the DIV element on page load.

.panel {
  display: none;

.tgp__panel--is-opened {
  display: block !important;

3. Determine whether to open the DIV panel on page load.

<button type="button" data-tgp-panel-id="trigger-example" data-tgp-opened="true">Toggle Panel-Example</button>
<div id="panel-example" class="panel">
  Content To Toggle

4. Load the Toggle-Panel plugin after jQuery.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/jquery.toggle-panel.js"></script>

5. Initialize the plugin and done.

  // options here

6. Use this plugin to create an accessible accordion interface.

<div id="wrapper">
    <button type="button" id="trigger-1">Toggle Panel 1</button>
    <div id="panel-1" class="panel">
      Accordion 1
    <button type="button" id="trigger-2">Toggle Panel 2</button>
    <div id="panel-2" class="panel">
      Accordion 2
    <button type="button" id="trigger-3">Toggle Panel 3</button>
    <div id="panel-3" class="panel">
      Accordion 1
  panel: 'next',
  mode: 'toggle',
  wrapper: $('#wrapper'),
  connect: true,

7. All default plugin options.


  // CSS class prefix
  prefix : 'tgp',

  // wrapper of connected panels
  wrapper: false,

  // if true, only one panel can be opened
  connect: false,

  // next panel or an unique panel ID
  panel: 'next',

  // trigger event: 'click' or 'mouseover'
  event: 'click',

  // If 'panel' setting = "function", this function will be called
  findPanel: function() {},
  // 'slide', 'toggle', or 'custom'
  mode: 'slide',
  // auto move focus to the opened panel
  autoFocus: true,

  // allow the trigger button to close its panel
  selfClose: true,

  // return focus to the trigger after closing
  returnFocus: true,

  // close panel after mouse leaving with delay
  autoHide: false,

  // delay in ms
  delay: 300,

  // disable clicks on the first levels
  disableFirstLevel: false,

  // remove titles from trigger buttons
  removeTitle: false,

  // close all panels on mobile devices
  smallScreenBreakpoint: 767,

  // labels for accessibility
  panelLabel: '',
  closeLabel: 'Collapse',
  openLabel: 'Expand',

  // If 'mode' setting = 'custom', these functions will be called
  customShow: function() {},
  customHide: function() {},


8. Callbacks.


  onShow: function () {},
  onShowEnd: function () {},
  onHide: function () {},
  onHideEnd: function () {}


9. API methods.

// remove auto focus on init

// show panel

// hide panel

// destroy

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by cyril-lamotte. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.