Fade In Elements With A Parallax Effect - Landing-Elements
File Size: | 314 KB |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
Landing-Elements is a jQuery plugin for fancy scroll interactions that make elements fly in from specific directions with fadeIn and parallax effects as you scroll down the webpage.
How to use it:
1. Create a group of 'landing' elements and config the duration & direction using data attributes as these:
<div class="rowLandingElement" data-duration="500"> <div class="first" data-left="-250" data-bottom="500">I'm First</div> <div class="center" data-bottom="-300">centrale</div> <div class="last" data-left="250" data-bottom="500">ultimo</div> </div> <div class="rowLandingElement" data-duration="1000"> <div class="first" data-left="125" data-bottom="-250">primo</div> <div class="center" data-bottom="300">centrale</div> <div class="last" data-left="-250" data-bottom="250">ultimo</div> </div> <div class="rowLandingElement" data-duration="1500"> <div class="first" data-left="-250" data-bottom="500">I'm First</div> <div class="center" data-bottom="-300">centrale</div> <div class="last" data-left="250" data-bottom="500">ultimo</div> </div> ...
2. Load both jQuery JavaScript library and the jQuery Landing-Elements plugin at the end of the document.
<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.12.4.js" integrity="sha256-Qw82+bXyGq6MydymqBxNPYTaUXXq7c8v3CwiYwLLNXU=" crossorigin="anonymous"> </script> <script src="js/landingElements.js"></script>
3. Initialize the plugin and we're done.
- JS updated
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by salvatore-esposito. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.