Apply Animate.css Animations To Elements Dynamically - Animate.js

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License: MIT
Apply Animate.css Animations To Elements Dynamically - Animate.js

Animate.js is a jQuery plugin that allows you to dynamically apply Animate.css based CSS3 animations to elements using CSS utility classes.

Key Features:

  • Works with the latest Animate.css (v4+).
  • Triggered on Scroll, Click, Hover, Keypress, or Page Load.
  • Easy to implement without any JS call.

See It In Action:

How to use it:

1. To get started, include the latest version of jQuery library, Animate.css, and Animate.js on the page.

<!-- Animate.css -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/cdn/animate.min.css" />

<!-- jQuery -->
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>

<!-- Animate.js -->
<script src="/path/to/cdn/animate.min.js"></script>

2. Apply an animation of your choice to the target element using the syntax: ani_{animationName}.

<div class="ani_pulse">
  Pulse Animation

3. Trigger the animation on click.

<div class="ani_pulse aniUtil_onClick">
  Pulse Animation

4. Trigger the animation on mouse hover.

<div class="ani_pulse onMouse">
  Pulse Animation

<!-- Repeat The Animation Until Mouseout -->
<div class="ani_pulse aniUtil_active onMouse aniUtil_onMouseRepeat">
  Pulse Animation

5. Trigger the animation as the element is scrolled into view.

<div class="ani_pulse aniUtil_dramatic">
  Pulse Animation

6. Animate the elements inside a scrollable container as they become visible.

<div class="aniUtil_scrollDiv">
  <div class="aniIn_pulse">
    Pulse Animation
  <div class="aniIn_pulse">
    Pulse Animation
  <div class="aniIn_pulse">
    Pulse Animation

7. Trigger the animation when you press a specific key.

<div class="ani_pulse aniUtil_onKey-ArrowUp">
  Pulse Animation

8. Determine whether to repeat the animation.

<div class="ani_pulse aniUtil_active">
  Pulse Animation

9. It also provides 4 custom animations named 'clickDisabled', 'tubeLight', 'aniCus_OutIn', and 'aniCus_text'.

<button class="aniCus_clickDisabled">
  Click Me
<div class="aniCus_tubeLight aniUtil_active">
  tubeLight Animation
<div class="aniCus_OutIn-bounceOutLeft-bounceInRight aniUtil_active">
  tubeLight Animation
<div class="aniCus_text-fadeInLeft aniUtil_active aniUtil_active">
  aniCus_text Animation

10. API methods.

// disable all animations

// disable all custom animation

// disable all attention seekers animations.

// disable all back in/Out animations

// disable all backIn animations

// disable all backOut animations

// disable all custom animation

// enable all animations

// disable all custom animation

// disable all attention seekers animations.

// enable all back in/Out animations

// enablee all backIn animations

// enable all backOut animations

// enable all custom animation

// apply an animation to the target element
aniUtil_animate(object/selector/regex element, animation_class/es);

// disable animation on a specific element
aniUtil_inanimate(object/selector/regex element);

// reset animation on a specific element
aniUtil_reset(object/selector/regex element);

// flush animation classes from a specific element
aniUtil_flush(object/selector/regex element);


v2.18.8 (2022-06-07)

  • Added aniUtil_flush() function
  • Enhanced aniUtil_reset()
  • Enhanced disappearing of element

v2.16.7 (2022-01-02)

  • Added Utility classes aniUtil_onMouseRepeat
  • Added Utility functions aniUtil_reset()
  • Enhanced dramatic animation on disabling
  • Enhanced performance in aniUtil_animate()
  • Enhanced get_aniClasses()

v2.13.5 (2021-12-04)

  • Enhanced re-usability of functions a bit.
  • Added a new custom animation.
  • Enhanced entry criteria of interruption handing.
  • Enhanced dramatic animations on click, hover and key press.
  • Enhanced performance of key animations.

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by KodingKhurram. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.