High Performance JavaScript Animation Library - Animate.js

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High Performance JavaScript Animation Library - Animate.js

Animate.js is a high performance and easy to use animation library implemented in Vanilla JavaScript or jQuery.

Inspired by Animate.css and currently comes with 89 animations:

  1. bounce
  2. flash
  3. pulse
  4. headShake
  5. wobble
  6. jello
  7. bounceIn
  8. bounceInDown
  9. bounceInLeft
  10. bounceInRight
  11. bounceInUp
  12. bounceOut
  13. bounceOutDown
  14. bounceOutUp
  15. fadeIn
  16. fadeInDown
  17. fadeInDownBig
  18. fadeInLeft
  19. fadeInLeftBig
  20. fadeInRight
  21. fadeInRightBig
  22. fadeInUp
  23. fadeInUpBig
  24. fadeOutDown
  25. fadeOutDownBig
  26. fadeOutLeftBig
  27. fadeOutRightBig
  28. fadeOutUp
  29. fadeOutUpBig
  30. flipInX
  31. flipInY
  32. flipOutX
  33. flipOutY
  34. lightSpeedIn
  35. lightSpeedOut
  36. rotateIn
  37. rotateInDownLeft
  38. rotateInDownRight
  39. rotateInUpLeft
  40. rotateInUpRight
  41. rotateOut
  42. rotateOutDownLeft
  43. rotateOutDownRight
  44. rotateOutUpLeft
  45. rotateOutUpRight
  46. jackInTheBox
  47. rollIn
  48. rollOut
  49. zoomInDown
  50. zoomInLeft
  51. zoomInRight
  52. zoomInUp
  53. zoomOutDown
  54. zoomOutLeft
  55. zoomOutRight
  56. zoomOutUp
  57. slideInDown
  58. slideInLeft
  59. slideInRight
  60. slideInUp
  61. slideOutDown
  62. slideOutLeft
  63. slideOutRight
  64. slideOutUp
  65. heartBeat
  66. rollOutRight
  67. rollOutLeft
  68. rubberBand
  69. zoomOut
  70. zoomIn
  71. fadeOut
  72. fadeOutRight
  73. fadeOutLeft
  74. fadeOutTop
  75. fadeOutBottom
  76. horizontalFlip
  77. verticalFlip
  78. bounceOutBottom
  79. bounceOutTop
  80. bounceOutLeft
  81. bounceOutRight
  82. rotateClockwise
  83. rotateAntiClockwise
  84. tada
  85. moveIn
  86. moveOut
  87. swing
  88. shake
  89. hinge

How to use it:

1. Load the main JavaScript animate.min.js in the document.

<script src="/path/to/dist/animate.min.js"></script>

2. Or use it as a jQuery plugin.

<script src="/path/to/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/dist/animate.min.js"></script>

3. Apply an animation of your choice to the element you specify.

// Vanilla
let domElement = document.getElementById("demo");

// jQuery

4. Specify the duration of the animation in milliseconds.

// Vanilla
let domElement = document.getElementById("demo");

// jQuery

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by koffiisen. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.