7 Newest Free jQuery Plugins For This Week #47 (2017)

by jQueryScript,

Here's our #207 hand-picked collection of 7 New Free jQuery Plugins with examples we found around the web from last week (Nov 17th, 2017 ~ Nov 23rd, 2017). These jQuery plugins haven't been featured on our website yet I think you might find useful. Have fun with it and remember to spread the word!

JQuery Routing Plugin

JQuery router is a routing plugin for creating Single Page Applications.

JQuery Routing Plugin

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery form-validation

Easy Jquery Form Validation Plugin.

jQuery form-validation

[Demo] [Download]

Nice Responsive Testimonial Carousel

It's a nice responsive testimonial owl carousel slider. It's a responsive testimonial slider.

Nice Responsive Testimonial Carousel

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery ToggleDOM

This is a jquery plugin that runs callback when HTML element is created (added into DOM) or removed from DOM.

jQuery ToggleDOM

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery spline-editor

jQuery widget for editing cubic splines that wrap around. Useful at least for controlling looping animations.

jQuery spline-editor

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery freeTheCookies

This is a simple but highly customizable plugin that puts a banner in your site warning the user about the use of cookies. It will wait for the user's explicit or implicit consent and then fire an event to initialize the cookies. Implicit consent can be any click or scroll event.

jQuery freeTheCookies

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery zoomIn

A simple jQuery Plugin that type/zooms text into a control.

jQuery zoomIn

[Demo] [Download]