10 Best Text Rotators In JavaScript And Pure CSS (2024 Update)

by jQueryScript,

What Is Text Rotator?

A text rotator allows you to rotate through pieces of text one after the other just like a carousel or slideshow.

It provides an elegant way to display quotes, reviews, testimonials or comments on your webpage.

The Best Text Rotator

In this post I'd like to introduce you with the 10 best (top downloaded) text rotators implemented in jQuery, Vanilla JavaScript, and Pure CSS/CSS3. Have fun!

Originally Published July 20, 2019, updated Feb 22 2024

Table of contents:

jQuery Text Rotator Plugins:

Dynamic Text Rotator With Typing Effect - jQuery typer.js

A very small jQuery text rotator plugin which allows you to rotate through an array of text strings with typewriter style typing and deleting animations.

Dynamic Text Rotator With Typing Effect - jQuery typer.js

[Demo] [Download]

Handy jQuery Text Slider with CSS3 Transitions

A lightweight jQuery text slider for rotating an array of words or terms of your text with CSS3 animations using transform and transition properties.

Handy jQuery Text Slider with CSS3 Transitions

[Demo] [Download]

Simple Text Slider/Rotator with jQuery and CSS

A jQuery based content carousel/slider which enables you to rotate a list of fix positioned text content with click or automatically.

Simple Text Slider/Rotator with jQuery and CSS

[Demo] [Download]

Text Rotator Plugin With JavaScript & Animate.css - Morphext

This is the rewritten version of the MrSaints' Morphext plugin. It enables you to create a simple, high-performance, and cross-browser text rotator that rotates through text phrases with more than 100 awesome CSS3 animations powered by the latest Animate.css library.

Text Rotator Plugin With JavaScript & Animate.css - Morphext

[Demo] [Download]

jQuery Text Rotator Plugin with CSS3 Animations - Words Rotator

Words Rotator is a lightweight and customizable jQuery plugin for rotating text and some words of your text with awesome CSS3 animations.

jQuery Text Rotator Plugin with CSS3 Animations - Words Rotator

[Demo] [Download]

Vanilla JS Text Rotator Libraries:

Vertical Text Rotator In JavaScript And CSS3

A smooth text rotator which vertically slides through a group of text content using CSS3 animations and transforms.

Vertical Text Rotator In JavaScript And CSS3

[Demo] [Download]

Pure JS Text Rotator With Typing / Deleting Effects – iTyped.js

A lightweight, dependency-free JS library that allows you to rotate a sequence of strings with text typing / erasing effects just like a typewriter.

Pure JS Text Rotator With Typing / Deleting Effects – iTyped.js

[Demo] [Download]

Apple TV Style Word Rotator With Vanilla JS

A beautiful, smooth word rotator inspired by Apple TV. Written in plain JavaScript and CSS/CSS3.

Apple TV Style Word Rotator With Vanilla JS

[Demo] [Download]

Pure CSS Text Rotators:

CSS Only Text Carousel / Rotator

A pure CSS text carousel which makes uses of CSS3 animations to cycle through a list of text like a carousel.

CSS Only Text Carousel / Rotator

[Demo] [Download]

Pure CSS/CSS3 Text Rotator

A CSS3 powered text rotator which allows you to scroll through a list of text like a news ticker.

Pure CSS/CSS3 Text Rotator

[Demo] [Download]


Looking for more jQuery plugins or JavaScript libraries to create awesome Text Rotators on the web & mobile? See jQuery Text Rotator and JavaScript/CSS Text Rotator sections for more details.

See also: