Animated jQuery Modal Plugin With Blurred Overlay - dreymodal

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License: MIT
Animated jQuery Modal Plugin With Blurred Overlay - dreymodal

dreymodal is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to display a responsive modal window while blurring the rest content to bring the user's attention to the current modal content. Optional CSS3 animations based on the jQuery dreyanim plugin.

How to use it:

1. Load jQuery library together with the jQuery dreyModal plugin's JS and CSS files in the html file.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/dreymodal.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/dreymodal.css">

2. Load the jQuery dreyanim plugin's files you'd like to apply awesome CSS animations to the modal window.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/dreyanim.css">
<script src="js/dreyanim.js"></script>

3. Create your own content to embed into the modal window.

<div class="modal-content">
  ... Modal Content Here ...

4. Load your modal content and active the plugin with default options.

var elem = document.getElementsByClassName('testObject');
var s = new Dreymodal(elem,{
    // options here

5. Display the modal window on the screen.;

6. All default setting to customize the modal window.

var s = new Dreymodal(elem,{

    // min width
    minWidth : 250,

    // max width
    maxWidth : 600,

    // background overlay options
    overlay : true,
    overlayColor : "#000",
    overlayOpacity : 0.8,
    overlayBlur : true,

    // displays close button
    closeButton : true,

    // animation options
    // requires jQuery dreyanim plugin
    inAnimationTime : 600,
    inAnimationType : "fallIn",
    outAnimationTime : 600,
    outAnimationType : "fallOut",

    // ESC to close the modal window
    allowEscapeKey : true,

    // modal title
    title : null,

    // color of modal title
    titleColor : "#ffffff",

    // background color of modal title
    titleBackColor : "#222222"

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by christiandrey. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.