Add CSS Classes To Elements As In Viewport - in-viewport-class

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License: MIT
Add CSS Classes To Elements As In Viewport - in-viewport-class

in-viewport-class is a jQuery viewport checker plugin which detects when elements enter the viewport and add corresponding classes for animations and more.

How to use it:

1. Insert the JavaScript after jQuery JavaScript library and we're ready to go.

<script src="dist/"></script>

2. Add the CSS class to the target elements:

<div class="element i-v element-1"></div>
<div class="element i-v element-2"></div>
<div class="element i-v element-3"></div>

3. The plugin will add the CSS class 'in-viewport' to the element when it is in the viewport so you can animate with CSS. {
    CSS Animation Rules Here

4. The plugin will add the CSS class 'was-in-viewport' to the element when it was in the viewport

.element.was-in-viewport {
    CSS Animation Rules Here

5. The plugin will add the CSS class 'in-viewport-once' to the element once it enters the viewport. {
    CSS Animation Rules Here

6. All default options.

  'tellMeClass': 'i-v',
  'inViewClass': 'in-viewport',
  'onceInViewClass': 'in-viewport-once',
  'wasInViewClass': 'was-in-viewport'

Change log:


  • switch readyState from complete to interactive


  • remove log

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by neuedaten. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.