Easy Configurable Scroll To Top Back Button Plugin - illbeback
File Size: | 7.78 KB |
Views Total: | 4348 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
I'll Be Back is a simple yet highly customizable jQuery plugin used for creating a scroll to top button to enhance navigation experience on webpage with long content.
How to use it:
1. Download and put the jQuery illbeback plugin's script after jQuery library.
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-3.0.0.min.js"></script> <script src="illbeback.min.js"></script>
2. Create an anchor link for the scroll to top button.
<a href="" id="scroll-to-top"></a>
3. Initialize the plugin to generate a default scroll to top button that stays at the bottom right of the webpage when you scroll down.
4. Config the scroll to top button with the following options.
$("#scroll-to-top").illBeBack({ // top offset to trigger the scroll to top button offset : 250, // animation speed speed : 200, // animation duration duration : 500, // animation duration for hover effect hoverDuration : 300, // Styling options ownStyle : false, round : false, zIndex : 1000, size : 64, // Position options top : 'auto', left : 'auto', bottom : 30, right : 30, // Background options bgColor : 'rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.4)', hoverBgColor : 'rgba(30, 30, 30, 0.8)', bgPosition : '50% 50%', bgSize : '50%', bgRepeat : 'no-repeat', bgImage : "url(\"" + "///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////" + "8wXzyWAAAAHHRSTlMAv3FsR04ETZV7qzmMQwNjpYSBbbaedD8lCCghrxzLjAAAATlJREFUeAG10ctOwzAUhOHpBePYSdM2vbTw/u+JkIyUs" + "mCU/5BZ+kjfv7AWLNVtn3M/1YNW2b1s2o51DX+3mW38f3+7edluZZ8XvM8L3ucF7/MC93nB+7zgfV7wPi9wnxe8zwve5wXv84L3eYH7vsB9" + "X+A+L3DfF7jvC9z3Be7zAvd9gfu2wH1T4L4pcH//7gpBX7KFoL+ggPwFBeSDAvDlC9AHBeCDAvClN18APigAHxS8L1gAPijsqO8LoyQN3Pe" + "FKj0L933hmDSEfFu4q4v5rnDTNeibQlYJ+qZw1DXom0LWOeibQqd90DeFQc8L932hpHaK+n8yHfdd4abvpTP2TaE7qBWgbwo/vpROxDeF5r" + "fC7B8ug/D2M397eD2V9t5/KrBHbkwZ9GupTn0+jQ8F9zGecj/VpLYvzkEQTeC4sD8AAAAASUVORK5CYII=\")" });
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by makseo. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.