Fix Any Element To Top Of The Page Using jQuery - scrollFix

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License: MIT
Fix Any Element To Top Of The Page Using jQuery - scrollFix

scrollFix is a lightweight yet configurable jQuery plugin that fixes any elements (typically header navigation, sidebar component) to the top (and even bottom) of the webpage during page scrolling.

More features:

  • Allows to set start and end points.
  • Custom positions.
  • Auto adds a CSS class 'fixed' to the fixed element.
  • Callback functions.

How to use it:

1. Add references to jQuery library and the jQuery scrollFix plugin's script as follow:

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jQuery.scrollFix.min.js"></script>

2. Make your site navigation sticky on the top when scrolling down.


3. Specify the start & end points.

  startObj: 'section',
  endObj: 'footer'

4. Make your element sticky at the bottom of the webpage.

  position: 'bottom'

5. Customize the position when the element gets stuck.

  top: 0,                         
  bottom: 0,
  endPos: 0

6. Callback functions.

  fixFn: function() {},           
  fixEndFn: function() {},        
  endFn: function() {}   

7. All default customization options.

top: 0,                         
bottom: 0,                      
zindex: 999,                    
startObj: null,                 
position: 'top',                
endObj: null,                   
endPos: 0,                      
fixClass: 'fixed',

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by mengqing723. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.