Free jQuery Sticky Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Sticky' are listed here.
jQuery Plugin To Fix DOM Elements On The Page - Zebra_Pin
- Other - 3589 ViewsZebra_Pin is a cross-browser and simple-to-use jQuery plugin which makes any DOM elements 'sticky' within the document or a specified container.
Highly Customizable jQuery Sticky Element Plugin - hc-sticky
- Other - 6039 Viewshc-sticky is a simple, responsive, cross-browser jQuery plugin which makes any block elements (e.g. navigation menu, sidebar) floating / fixed when scrolling.
Easy Mobile-friendly Fixed Sidebar Plugin With jQuery - sidebarFix.js
- Other - 2444 ViewssidebarFix.js is a very small jQuery plugin that makes the sidebar widgets be always visible when the webpage page is scrolled down or up.
Stick Sidebar Widgets To The Top Until Reaching The Bottom - sticksy
- Other - 3388 Viewssticksy is a small and fast JavaScript/jQuery Sticky plugin which makes any element sticky within its parent container using position: absolute attribute.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Responsive Sticky Elements - Stuck
- Layout - 3795 ViewsStuck is a simple jQuery plugin which allows you to responsively make any Html element sticky as you scroll down the page.
Create Sticky & Fading Elements On Scroll - Sticky-Elements
- Other - 1536 ViewsAn advanced jQuery Sticky Element plugin that is mainly designed to stick any elements to the top of the page on scroll.
Stick Anything You Want To The Top On Scroll - jQuery StickMe
- Other - 1003 ViewsA jQuery Sticky Element plugin that makes any elements (e.g. header navigation, sidebar widget) fixed on the top when you scroll past them.
Sticky Expanding Footer In jQuery And CSS
- Other - 1122 ViewsThis is a jQuery/CSS based sticky site footer that automatically reveals the bigger footer when you scroll to the very bottom of the webpage.
Generic Floating Element Plugin - jQuery float-bar.js
- Other - 1145 ViewsA small and customizable jQuery plugin for creating floating elements that will be always visible no matter how you scroll down/up the webpage.
Smart Mobile-friendly Sticky Sidebar In jQuery - smartSticky
- Other - 1092 ViewssmartSticky is a jQuery plugin which makes the sidebar widget always be visible when scrolling down until the widget reaches a specific element (typically the bottom of the main content).
Stick Elements To A Certain Container - stickOnScroll
- Other - 986 ViewsYet another jQuery Sticky On Scroll plugin which helps you quickly create sticky header navigation and/or sidebar widgets on the webpage.
Stick Heading To The Top When Scrolling Past It - jQuery sticky-headings.js
- Other - 1364 ViewsA small jQuery plugin for sticky headings that makes headers of page sections stuck on the top when scrolling past them.
Awesome Sticky Element Without Content Jumping
- Other - 4638 ViewsA simple and lightweight jQuery script to fix any element (typically header navigation) to the top of the webpage when scrolling down.
iOS-like Fixed List Header On Scroll - jQuery iOSList
- Other - 1066 ViewsiOSList is a small jQuery plugin which makes headers within a list stick to the top while scrolling similar to the iOS' alphabetical contact list.
Stick Any Element To The Top Without Jumping - jQuery StickyJS
- Other - 846 ViewsStickyJS is an ultra-light and cross-browser jQuery plugin that makes any element within the document always stay visible on scroll.
jQuery Plugin To Make Anything Sticky On Scroll - ScrollFix
- Other - 6269 ViewsScrollFix is a simple-to-use yet fully configurable jQuery 'Sticky' plugin which makes any DOM elements (for instance header navigation, footer widgets) stick at the top or bottom of the page when scrolling.
Mobile-compatible Sticky Sidebar Plugin With jQuery
- Layout - 2492 ViewsA simple, lightweight, smooth, mobile-compatible jQuery sticky sidebar plugin that automatically disables the Sticky functionality when the screen width is smaller than a breakpoint you specify.
Simple & Versatile Sticky Element Plugin For jQuery - scroll-follow
- Other - 1378 Viewsscroll-follow is a simple yet highly customizable and mobile-friendly jQuery plugin to create sticky elements that follow as you scroll down the page.
Fix Element To It's Parent Container - jQuery Scroll With Page
- Other - 2247 ViewsYet another jQuery sticky element created for sticky sidebar that makes an element sticky to its parent container whenever the page scrolls down/up.
Fix Element Within Parent Container On Scroll - sticky.jquery.js
- Other - 3971 Viewssticky.jquery.js is a small jQuery plugin for making an element always be fixed within its parent container when scrolling down. A typical use of this plugin is to make a widget always stay visible within the sidebar.
Sticky Any Element On Scroll - jQuery goesSticky
- Other - 659 ViewsA lightweight, simple and performant sticky element plugin that makes any elements (e.x. header navigation, sidebar widget) fixed when scrolling down.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Sticky Elements While Scrolling - stickUp2
- Other - 1491 ViewsstickUp2 is a dead simple jQuery plugin helps you set multiple element (header, navigation, sidebar) sticky at the top of the web page while scrolling.
jQuery Plugin To Fix Any Elements On The Top - Fixit
- Other - 1553 ViewsFixit is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin which helps you fix any element (e.g. navigation, sidebar, etc.) on the top of the webpage according to the options passed.
Smart And Performant Sticky Sidebar Plugin For jQuery
- Other - 12602 ViewsA simple, performance-focused jQuery sticky sidebar plugin that smartly makes one or multiple sidebars sticky on vertical page scrolling, relative to their parent containers.
jQuery Plugin For Multiple Sticky Elements - stickyElement.js
- Other - 1155 ViewsYet another mobile-friendly jQuery sticky element plugin which makes multiple elements stick to the top of the webpage and comes with a lots of options to customize the 'Sticky' behavior.
jQuery Plugin For Better CSS Position:Sticky - Sticky.js
- Other - 2987 ViewsSticky.js is a jQuery plugin to enhance the CSS position: sticky property that makes your sticky element fit within the viewport height.
Easy Floating/Sticky Sidebar Plugin With jQuery - floatit
- Other - 3717 Viewsfloatit is a responsive sticky sidebar plugin for jQuery that fixes the sidebar widget to the top of the window, until it reaches a specified element.
jQuery Plugin To Stick An Element Within A Specified Container - Sticky-Element
- Other - 1251 ViewsJust another jQuery sticky element plugin which makes any element sticky with a smooth scrolling effect while scrolling the webpage.
Stick Element To The Bottom Of Its Container - Sticky-Element
- Other - 821 ViewsSticky-Element is a really simple jQuery plugin which makes any element sticky at the bottom of its parent container as you scroll down/up the webpage.
Cross-browser jQuery Position: Sticky Plugin/Polyfill - i-sticky
- Other - 1680 Viewsi-sticky is a jQuery sticky element plugin/polyfill for adding the position:sticky feature to web browsers which do not support the native CSS position:sticky property.
jQuery Plugin For Responsive Stick Elements - stickit
- Other - 2820 Viewsstickit is a responsive, robust jQuery sticky plugin used to make any elements (headers, sidebars) be fixed on the top while vertical page scrolling.
Responsive Customizable Sticky Anything Plugin - jQuery Sticky-Anything
- Other - 1146 ViewsA jQuery plugin that makes anything (e.g. header navigation, sidebar widgets, etc) sticky until a specific element (typically page footer element) is scrolled into view.
jQuery Plugin For Sticky Headers With Smooth Scroll Animations
- Other - 5261 ViewsSticky Multi Header Scroll is a small jQuery plugin which makes multiple section headers stackable and sticky on the top of the webpage when scrolling down.
jQuery Plugin To Make Any Element Sticky - sticky.js
- Other - 1364 ViewsA really small, cross-browser jQuery sticky element plugin which makes any element fixed to the top of the viewport when you scroll down the webpage.
jQuery Plugin For Sticking Element To Top On Page Scroll - stopattop
- Other - 577 Viewsstopattop is a fancy jQuery sticky element plugin that tracks scroll movements and stops any DOM element from scrolling when it reach the top of the webpage.
Floating Sidebar Panel Plugin For jQuery - Sticklr.js
- Other - 2777 ViewsSticklr.js is a simple, flexible, semantic jQuery plugin used to create a floating side panel that will always be visible when scrolling the webpage.
jQuery Plugin To Fix Element Within Its Container - pinElement
- Other - 1608 ViewspinElement is a lightweight jQuery plugin which keeps any element (typically sidebar) fixed inside its parent container on vertical scrolling.
jQuery Plugin For Intelligent Sticky Sidebars - Theia Sticky Sidebar
- Other - 15844 ViewsThe Theia Sticky Sidebar jQuery plugin allows to make your sidebar widgets be fixed on the top (or bottom) when you scroll past them.
Responsive Any Element Sticky Plugin For jQuery - sticky-items
- Other - 1213 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin that makes any matched html elements floating and sticky at the top of the webpage as you scroll down.
Lightweight CSS Position:sticky Polyfill - stickybits
- Other - 2828 Viewsstickybits is a CSS position:sticky polyfill that allows to fix any element to the top of the webpage, with a position:fixed fallback for legacy browser.
Multipurpose jQuery Plugin For Sticky Elements - KeepInSight
- Other - 762 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin that provides a simplest way to make any Html elements (navigation, sidebar, table header) stick to the top of the webpage while scrolling.
Sticky Any Element Plugin with jQuery
- Other - 2050 ViewsA jQuery Plugin that makes it easy to make any element on your page follow the user down the page as they scroll.
jQuery Plugin For Sticky Sidebar Widgets - scrollsWith
- Other - 1679 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin for sticky sidebar that makes any DOM element fixed within your sidebar when the user scrolls past it.
Minimal Instagram-style Sticky Header Plugin With jQuery - Stickish
- Other - 921 ViewsStickish is a very small jQuery plugin used to create cross-browser, Instagram-style sticky headers using CSS position:fixed property.
Customizable jQuery Fixed Position Plugin - fixie
- Layout - 1086 Viewsfixie is a configurable and reusable jQuery plugin that keeps element vertically at fixed position on screen as the page scrolls down.
Responsive Sticky Element Plugin For jQuery - Stickybox
- Other - 2000 ViewsStickybox is a barebone jQuery sticky element which makes any element stick to the screen on scroll, until reaching a specific element such as footer.
Creating A Floating Sidebar Panel With jQuery - sideFollow
- Other - 3233 ViewssideFollow is a super tiny jQuery plugin for creating a float sidebar panel that will always stay at the right side of the webpage on window scroll.
jQuery Plugin To Make Element Sticky Within A Container - Sticky
- Other - 2779 ViewsJust another jQuery sticky plugin which makes any element (typically sidebar widgets) sticky until you scroll the webpage to the bottom of its parent container.
jQuery Plugin To Fix Element Within Its Parent Container - nail
- Layout - 1488 ViewsYet another jQuery sticky element plugin which sticky a specific element to the top of the webpage until it reaches the bottom of its parent container.
Fix Any Element To Top Of The Page Using jQuery - scrollFix
- Other - 679 ViewsscrollFix is a jQuery plugin that fixes any elements (typically header navigation, sidebar component) to the top (and even bottom) of the webpage during page scrolling.
Basic Sticky Header Navigation Plugin For jQuery - StickyNav
- Menu - 1279 ViewsStickyNav is a super tiny jQuery plugin makes your header navigation (or any elements) fixed on the top when scrolling down.
jQuery Plugin For Fixed Headings On Page Scroll - Sticky Headings
- Other - 383 ViewsSticky Headings is a very small jQuery plugin which makes heading elements (or any other elements you prefer) fixed at the top of the webpage as you scroll past them.
jQuery Plugin To Make Element Fixed Relative To Parent - JStick
- Other - 1936 ViewsJStick is a really simple jQuery plugin that makes any element position fixed relative to its parent container as you scroll down the webpage.
jQuery Plugin To Make Element Fixed When Scrolling - nail.js
- Other - 2373 Viewsnail.js is a very small jQuery plugin that makes any element fixed positioned on page scroll until you reach the bottom of its parent container.
jQuery Plugin For Instagram Style Sticky Headers - Feedify
- Other - 2032 ViewsFeedify is a jQuery plugin for displaying a responsive, Instagram-style feed with animated headers which stick on the top of the webpage as you scroll down.
jQuery Plugin To Fix Elements Within Relative Parent - Follower
- Other - 463 ViewsFollower is a really simple jQuery sticky element plugin that makes any element fixed relative to its parent container.
Multipurpose jQuery Sticky Sidebar Plugin - scrollWith
- Layout - 1911 ViewsscrollWith is a simple, lightweight, customizable jQuery plugin which makes your sidebar or specified sidebar widgets stick to the top of the webpage when you scroll past them.
Super Tiny jQuery Plugin For Sticky Elements - Sticky
- Layout - 1344 ViewsSticky.js is an ultra-light jQuery plugin that makes it easy to stick any Html elements to the top of the web page during scrolling.
Mobile Friendly jQuery Stick Element Plugin - StickyComponent
- Other - 1020 ViewsStickyComponent is a simple yet fully configurable jQuery plugin for making any elements sticky on page scroll that will be auto disabled on small screen devices.
Responsive jQuery Sticky Element Plugin - pinBox
- Other - 1477 ViewspinBox is a lightweight, customizable jQuery plugin for creating sticky element that makes a block of content follow you as you scroll down the webpage.
Small jQuery Sticky Element Plugin - Stickthis
- Other - 1097 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin that dynamically sticks any html element to the top of the browser window on vertical page scrolling.
Minimal Drawer Sidebar Plugin with jQuery - Sidebar.js
- Other - 2216 ViewsSidebar.js is an ultra-light jQuery plugin used to create a tabbed drawer sidebar that slides out from the edge of the screen on mouse hover.
jQuery Plugin To Keep Element Fixed When Scrolling - Smart Sticky
- Other - 634 ViewsSmart Sticky is a very small jQuery plugin for creating sticky element that allows you to pin any html elements to the top of your document.
Create Sticky Floating Sidebar Ads with jQuery - Banner Scroll
- Other - 13675 ViewsBanner Scroll is a minimal jQuery script for making floating sidebar ads that stick to the side of the webpage when scrolling down or up.
jQuery Plugin To Fix Element When Scrolling - standbyme
- Other - 1842 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin for sticky elements that allows you to fix any element relative to its parent container when you scroll down the web page.
jQuery Plugin For Sticky List Headers - Yostick
- Other - 988 ViewsYostick is a jQuery plugin for creating a simple scrollable listview that sticks the list headers to the top of the webpage when you scroll past them.
jQuery Plugin For Floating Sidebar Drawer Panel - Side Slider
- Other - 3561 ViewsSide Slider is a minimalist jQuery plugin for creating a floating sidebar drawer panel that slides our from the right side of the website on hover.
Cross-Platform jQuery Plugin To Stick Objects To Top - fixer.js
- Other - 699 Viewsfixer.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that provides a super easy way to make an element sticky at the top of the window, but relative to its parent container.
jQuery Plugin For Creating Sticky Html Elements - Sticky Kit
- Other - 6727 ViewsSticky Kit is a lightweight (~2kb minified) jQuery plugin for easily creating sticky html elements on your web page, such like fixed position header, footer, side bar, etc.
jQuery Plugin For Fixed Position Elements - lockfixed
- Layout - 4776 Viewslockfixed is an useful jQuery plugin for creating fixed position elements locked within your visitor's viewport when scrolling down.
jQuery Plugin To Make Elements Fixed While Scrolling - makefixed.js
- Other - 1300 Viewsmakefixed.js is a small jQuery plugin that provides a simple way to toggle elements to be fixed while scrolling a page.
jQuery Plugin To Stick Any Html Elements While Scrolling
- Other - 998 ViewsA small jQuery plugin that allows to make any elements "sticky" as soon as they reach the top of the page when you scroll down.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Sticky Elements - boxFollowScroll
- Animation - 785 ViewsboxFollowScroll is a simple jQuery plugin for creating an animated floating sidebar/box that follows your visitors as they scroll up/down the page.
Simple jQuery Plugin For Sticky Headers On Scroll - stickyHeaders
- Other - 1461 ViewsAn extremely simple jQuery plugin used to make the content headers sticky at the top of their parent container as you scroll down.
jQuery Plugin For Animated Fixed Elements - Butterfly
- Layout - 3085 ViewsButterfly is a smart jQuery plugin used to make any Html element (e.g. header navigation) stick at the top of the screen when scrolled.
jQuery Plugin For Sticky Sidebars & Navigation - Fixed Content
- Layout - 1552 ViewsFixed Content is a lightweght jQuery plugin that makes any DOM element stick to the top of the window when you scroll down.
jQuery Plugin To Create Customizable Fixed Html Elements - stkr
- Other - 466 ViewsStkr is a simple yet highly customizable jQuery plugin which allows you to make any Html elements sticky on the web page when you scroll down.
jQuery Contained Sticky Sidebar Plugin - stickyMojo
- Other - 4232 ViewsstickyMojo is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a Contained Sticky Sidebar on your webpage. It is fast, flexible and compatible with Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and IE8+.
Mobile-Friendly Auto-Hiding Top Navigation Bar with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 9266 ViewsA jQuery & CSS based sliding navigation bar that is sticky at the top of the page as you scroll down.
Smart jQuery Scrolling Navigation Bar Plugin - Scroll Nav
- Menu - 27710 ViewsScroll Nav is a lightweight (~3kb unzipped) and smart jQuery plugin for creating a sticky navigation bar at the top of you web page that will auto hide (reappear) when scrolling down (up) the page.
jQuery Plugin To Make Any DOM Elements Sticky In View - positionSticky
- Other - 495 ViewspositionSticky is a small jQuery plugin used to make any Html elements always stay visible as you scroll down the page.
Creating A Togglable Bottom Content Panel Using jQuery
- Layout - 8149 ViewsA tiny jQuery script for creating a sticky content panel that will pull out from the bottom of the web page when you click the panel tab.
jQuery Plugin For Sticky Heading Elements - Sticky Header
- Layout - 1633 ViewsSticky Header is a jQuery plugin that makes the hierarchical sections' headers sticky at the top of the page as you scroll down.
jQuery Mailchimp-Like Animated Sticky Menu Plugin - StickyChimp
- Menu - 5577 ViewsStickyChimp is a simple jQuery plugin inspired by for creating a smart & animated navigation menu that stays at the top of your web page.
jQuery Plugin For Auto Hiding Navigation Menu - showup
- Menu - 27060 ViewsShowup is a simple jQuery menu plugin for hiding the sticky top menu bar when scrolling down the page and showing it at the top of the page when scrolling up.
A Smart jQuery Plugin For Fixed Position Elements - Auto Fix Anything
- Layout - 1446 ViewsAuto Fix Anything is a lightweight yet smart jQuery plugin that automatically fix or unfix the position of any html containers like header, sidebar, footer, etc.
jQuery Plugin For Sticky Top Navigation Menu - stickUp
- Menu - 19491 ViewsstickUp is yet another jQuery plugin that makes your navigation menu sticky at the top of your page when scrolling down the window.
Simple jQuery Sticky Plugin - hachiko
- Layout - 599 Viewshachiko is a lightweight (~2.5kb minified) and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that makes any elements sticky on the screen when scroll down the page.
Fixed Table of Contents Plugin with jQuery
- Menu - 2532 ViewsA simple and useful jQuery plugin for adding a fixed table of contents drop-down menu on the top of your webpage.
Minimalist jQuery Fixed Position Top Bar Plugin - Sticky
- Menu - 2527 ViewsSticky is a yet another jQuery fixed position plugin that provides a simple way to create html elements fixed on top when scrolled.
jQuery Responsive Top Navigation Bar Plugin - Peek
- Menu - 12471 ViewsPeek is a lightweight (~2kb) and responsive jQuery plugin for creating an auto-hiding top navigation menu on your website, similar to the jQuery Scroll Nav Plugin.
Awesome jQuery plugin For Customizable Tooltips - DTooltip
- Tooltip - 1252 ViewsDTooltip is a lightweight but powerful jQuery plugin for creating highly customizable tooltips for your website.
Simple jQuery Sticky Elements Plugin - jQuery Pin
- Layout - 1792 ViewsjQuery Pin is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin that helps you to pin pin the given element to the top of the page on scroll down.
Simple jQuery Sticky Fixed Position Plugin - fixto
- Layout - 2407 Viewsfixto is a jQuery plugin that allows you to make any html element of your page sticky.
Fixed Position Elements Plugin for jQuery - Fixer
- Layout - 2437 ViewsFixer is a lightweight and simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add any element (div, ect...) with fixed position on scroll to your web page.
Yet Another Sticky Element Plugin For jQuery - sticky.js
- Other - 1090 Viewssticky.js is a simple but widely-used jQuery plugin that enables you to stick any element on a fixed position of your web page.
Fixed Position Top Menu Bar with jQuery and CSS3 - nagging-menu
- Menu - 58571 Viewsnagging-menu is a jQuery plugin that allows you to create a floating and fixed position top menu bar on your webpage.
Sticky Top Menu Bar with CSS3
- CSS3 & Html5 - 17970 ViewsIn this tutorial, we will create a sticky top menu bar which is built only with CSS position property, without jQuery or any other script.
Content Sticky on Scroll with jQuery - Stickem
- Menu - 3457 ViewsStickem is an usefull jQuery Plugin for Making contents sticky as you scroll, to a point.
Sticky Image Captions with jQuery
- Layout - 1207 ViewsSticky Captions Concept with jQuery that shows image captions on hover to provide more important information about the item.