Mobile Friendly jQuery Stick Element Plugin - StickyComponent

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License: MIT
Mobile Friendly jQuery Stick Element Plugin - StickyComponent

StickyComponent is a simple yet fully configurable jQuery plugin for making any elements sticky on page scroll that will be auto disabled on small screen devices.

More features:

  • Custom top/bottom offset.
  • Custom trigger position.
  • Custom start/end point.
  • Auto adds a custom CSS class when a specified element is stuck.

Basic usage:

1. Link to the latest version of jQuery library before the stickycomponent.js in your html markup.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="stickycomponent.js"></script>

2. Attach the plugin to target elements (navigation, sidebar, etc.) and we're done.


3. Customization options with default values.


  // top/bottom offset in pixels
  topoffset: 75,
  bottomoffset: 75,

  // top trigger in pixels
  triggertop: 150,

  // start/end point
  startselector: undefined,
  stopselector: 'footer',

  // active CSS class
  activeclass: 'fg-sticky-active',
  // disable the plugin when the screen size < 990px
  removesize: 990,
  // debug mode
  debug: false,

  // callback
  onInit: function() {}

4. API events.

$('.sidebarbox').on('', function(e, global, wtop){
  // when active

$('.sidebarbox').on('fg.stickycomponent.normal', function(e, global, wtop){
  // when inactive

$('.sidebarbox').on('fg.stickycomponent.bottom', function(e, global, wtop){
  // when reaching the bottom

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by sturple. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.