Awesome Sticky Element Without Content Jumping

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License: MIT
Awesome Sticky Element Without Content Jumping

A simple and lightweight jQuery script to fix any element (typically header navigation) to the top of the webpage when scrolling down.

The script provides a quick fix to prevent the fixed positioned element jumping when scrolling & resizing the webpage.

How to use it:

1. Create an element that is pinned to the top when scrolling.

<nav class="sticky">
  <p>jQuery Script</p>

2. Make the element sticky using the position: fixed propery.

.sticky {
  transition: ease .3s;

.sticky-pin {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;

3. Include the necessary jQuery library at the bottom of the webpage.

<script src="" 

4. The main function for the sticky element.

var stickyElement = $(".sticky"),
    stickyClass = "sticky-pin",
    stickyPos = stickyElement.offset().top, //Distance from the top of the window.

// Sticker function:
function stickerFn() {
  var winTop = $(this).scrollTop();
  //Check element position:
  winTop >= stickyPos ?
    stickyElement.removeClass(stickyClass) //Boolean class switcher.
stickerFn(); //Run.

// Function trigger:

5. Create a negative margin to prevent content 'jumps':

stickyElement.after('<div class="jumps-prevent"></div>');
function jumpsPrevent() {
  stickyHeight = stickyElement.innerHeight();
  stickyElement.css({"margin-bottom":"-" + stickyHeight + "px"});{"padding-top": + stickyHeight + "px"}); 
jumpsPrevent(); // Run.

// Function trigger:

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by TatianaPost. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.