Interactive Tooltip-style Guided Tour Plugin - jQuery TourJS

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License: MIT
Interactive Tooltip-style Guided Tour Plugin - jQuery TourJS

TourJS is a jQuery-dependent tour library that helps you create customizable, interactive, tooltip-style, step-by-step tours to guide your users through your web application.

See it in action:

How to use it:

1. Load a theme CSS of your choice in the header of the document. Available themes:

  • tour-default.css: Default theme.
  • tour-dark.css: Dark theme.
<link href="tour-default.css" rel="stylesheet">

2. Load jQuery library and the tour.js script at the end of the document.

<script src="" 
<script src="tour.js"></script>

3. Create a new tour instance.

const myTour = new Tour("demo");

4. Create a step that appends to a specified element within the document.

myTour.addStep("step-name", {
    title: "Step Title",
    text: "This is a step",
    hook: ".element-to-append",
    buttons: [
        text: "Previous",
        action: "tour.previous()"
        text: "Start",
        action: ""

5. Optionally, you can add links and callbacks to the step as these:

myTour.addStep("step-name", {
    title: "Step Title",
    text: "This is a step",
    hook: ".element-to-append",
    buttons: [
        text: "Previous",
        action: "tour.previous()"
        text: "Start",
        action: ""
    timer: 5000, // time to wait before the next step will show
    onShow: function() {
      // Custom Function
    onHide: function() {
      // Custom Function
    links: [
        text: "More info",
        href: "#"

6. Start the guided tour and done.


7. Apply custom styles to the step.{
  titleBackground: "#222",
  background: "#333",
  accentColor: "#fff",
  borderRadius: "3px"

8. More API methods.

// goto next step

// goto previous step

// stop

// pause

// resume

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Bastiaan225. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.