Minimal Clean Pagination Plugin For jQuery - Pagination.js

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Minimal Clean Pagination Plugin For jQuery - Pagination.js

The Pagination.js jQuery plugin allows dynamically generating a minimal, clean, full-featured pagination control to page the large text content on the webpage.

How to use it:

1. To use this plugin, place the following JavaScript and CSS files into the document and we're ready to go.

<link href="css/pagination.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="js/pagination.js"></script>

2. Create a container element in which you want to place the pagination links.

<div class="demo" id="demo"></div>

3. Create a new pagination object and specify the number of total pages & page size.

new Pagination({
    parent: '#demo',
    totalPage: 10,
    pageSize: 10

// or
  totalPage: 10,
  pageSize: 10

4. Adjust the alignment of the pagination control.

new Pagination({
    parent: '#demo',
    totalPage: 10,
    pageSize: 10,
    align: 'center' // 'left', 'right'

5. Options and defaults.

  parent: null,
  totalPage: 0,
  currentPage: 1,
  pageSize: 5,
  showPages: true,
  showPrev: true,
  showNext: true,
  showPageNumbers: true,
  alwaysShowPrevNext: true,
  prevText: 'Prev',
  nextText: 'Next',
  ellipsisText: '...',
  align: 'left',
  beforeInit: null,
  afterInit: null,
  beforeRender: null,
  afterRender: null,
  beforeDrawPage: null,
  afterDrawPage: null,
  WRAP: '<div class="' + CLS_WRAP + '" id="{id}"></div>',
  LIST: '<ul class="' + CLS_LIST + '"></ul>',
  PAGES: '<li class="' + CLS_PAGE + ' ' + CLS_PAGES + ' ' + CLS_FIRST + '"><span class="text"><em class="' + CLS_INDEX + '">{current}</em> / <strong class="total">{total}</strong> Pages</span></li>',
  PREV: '<li class="' + CLS_PAGE + ' ' + CLS_PREV + '"><a class="text">{prev}</a></li>',
  NEXT: '<li class="' + CLS_PAGE + ' ' + CLS_NEXT + ' ' + CLS_LAST + '"><a class="text">{next}</a></li>',
  PAGE: '<li class="' + CLS_PAGE + ' ' + CLS_NAV + '" title="{page}"><a class="text">{page}</a></li>',
  FIRST: '<li class="' + CLS_PAGE + ' ' + CLS_NAV + '" title="1"><a class="text">1</a></li>',
  LAST: '<li class="' + CLS_PAGE + ' ' + CLS_NAV + '" title="{total}"><a class="text">{total}</a></li>',
  ELLIPSIS: '<li class="' + CLS_PAGE + ' ' + CLS_ELLIPSIS + '"><span class="text">{ellipsis}</span></li>',
  CURRENT: '<li class="' + CLS_PAGE + ' ' + CLS_NAV + ' ' + CLS_CURRENT + '"><span class="text">{page}</span></li>'

6. API methods.

// init
new Pagination().init({
    // options

// sets properties
new Pagination().set({
     align: 'right'
     parent: '#demo',
     totalPage: 10

// gets properties
new Pagination().get( prop )

// gets or sets the totalPage property
var pager = new Pagination({
     parent: '#demo',
     totalPage: 10
}).total(44);; // -> 44

// gets or sets the current page
var pager = new Pagination({
     parent: '#demo',
     totalPage: 10

pager.current(); // -> 4

// gets or sets the pageSize propery
var pager = new Pagination({
     parent: '#demo-4',
     totalPage: 10,
     currentPage: 5

pager.size(); // -> 3

// reloads the plugin
var pager = new Pagination({
     parent: '#demo',
     totalPage: 10,
     currentPage: 5

     totalPage: 110,
     currentPage: 53,

// renders the pagination
var pager = new Pagination({
     parent: '#demo-7',
     totalPage: 10,
     currentPage: 5


// sets the alignment
var pager = new Pagination({
     parent: '#demo',
     totalPage: 11,
     currentPage: 5


// shows the pagination
new Pagination().show();

// hides the pagination
new Pagination().hide();

// disables the pagination
new Pagination().disable();

// enables the pagination
new Pagination().enable();

// destroys the pagination
new Pagination().destroy();

// updates the pagination
new Pagination().update();

// returns true/false
new Pagination().isDisabled();

// prev page
new Pagination().prev();

// next page
new Pagination().next();

// goes to a specific page
new Pagination().change( page );

7. Events.

// before change
var Pager = new Pagination({
    parent: '#demo',
    totalPage: 15,
    align: 'right'

Pager.on('beforeChange', function(args){
    $.each(args, function(key,value){

// after change
var Pager = new Pagination({
    parent: '#demo',
    totalPage: 15,
    align: 'right'

Pager.on('afterChange', function(args){
    $.each(args, function(key,value){

// before show
var Pager = new Pagination({
    parent: '#demo',
    totalPage: 15,
    align: 'right'

Pager.hide().on('afterChange', function(args){
    $.each(args, function(key,value){

// after show
var Pager = new Pagination({
    parent: '#demo',
    totalPage: 15,
    align: 'right'

Pager.hide().on('afterShow', function(args){
    $.each(args, function(key,value){

// before hide
var Pager = new Pagination({
    parent: '#demo',
    totalPage: 15,
    align: 'right'

Pager.on('beforeHide', function(args){
    $.each(args, function(key,value){

// after hide
var Pager = new Pagination({
    parent: '#demo',
    totalPage: 15,
    align: 'right'

Pager.on('afterHide', function(args){
    $.each(args, function(key,value){

// before disable
var Pager = new Pagination({
    parent: '#demo',
    totalPage: 15,
    align: 'right'

Pager.on('beforeDisable', function(args){
    $.each(args, function(key,value){

// after disable
var Pager = new Pagination({
    parent: '#demo',
    totalPage: 15,
    align: 'right'

Pager.on('afterDisable', function(args){
    $.each(args, function(key,value){

// before enable
var Pager = new Pagination({
    parent: '#demo',
    totalPage: 15,
    align: 'right'

Pager.disable().on('beforeEnable', function(args){
    $.each(args, function(key,value){

// after enable
var Pager = new Pagination({
    parent: '#demo',
    totalPage: 15,
    align: 'right'

Pager.disable().on('afterEnable', function(args){
    $.each(args, function(key,value){

// before destroy
var Pager = new Pagination({
    parent: '#demo',
    totalPage: 15,
    align: 'right'

Pager.on('beforeDestroy', function(args){
    $.each(args, function(key,value){

// after destroy
var Pager = new Pagination({
    parent: '#demo',
    totalPage: 15,
    align: 'right'

Pager.on('afterDestroy', function(args){
    $.each(args, function(key,value){

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by yaohaixiao. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.