Simple Configurable jQuery Pagination Plugin - asPaginator

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License: MIT
Simple Configurable jQuery Pagination Plugin - asPaginator

asPaginator is a simple, customizable, ES5/ES6 jQuery pagination plugin that generates a list of clickable links to navigate across pages.

How to use it:

1. Build.

npm install jquery-asPaginator --save

2. Or include the asPaginator plugin's files on the webpage where the jQuery plugin is loaded properly.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="asPaginator.css">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery-asPaginator.js"></script>

3. Create a DIV element that will be served as the container for the pagination component.

<div id="paginator"></div>

4. The JavaScript to generate a default pagination component inside the DIV element.

// AsPaginator(element, totalItems, options)
$("#paginator").asPaginator(100, {
  // options here

5. All default options and callbacks.

$("#paginator").asPaginator(100, {
  namespace: 'asPaginator',

  currentPage: 1,
  itemsPerPage: 10,
  visibleNum: 5,
  resizeThrottle: 250,

  disabledClass: 'asPaginator_disable',
  activeClass: 'asPaginator_active',

  tpl() {
    return '<ul>{{first}}{{prev}}{{lists}}{{next}}{{last}}</ul>';

  skin: null,
  components: {
    first: true,
    prev: true,
    next: true,
    last: true,
    lists: true

  // callback function
  onInit: null,
  onReady: null,
  onChange: null // function(page) {}

6. API methods.

// enable the plugin

// disable the plugin

// destroy the plugin

7. Events.

$("#paginator").on('asPaginator::ready', function (e) {
  // when the instance is ready for API use.

$("#paginator").on('asPaginator::init', function (e) {
  // when the instance is setup for the first time.

$("#paginator").on('asPaginator::enable', function (e) {
  // when the enable instance method has been called.

$("#paginator").on('asPaginator::disable', function (e) {
  // when the disable instance method has been called.

$("#paginator").on('asPaginator::destroy', function (e) {
  // when an instance is destroyed.

Change log:


  • v0.3.3

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by amazingSurge. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.