Smooth Marquee-like Content Scroller Plugin For jQuery - limarquee

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License: MIT
Smooth Marquee-like Content Scroller Plugin For jQuery - limarquee

limarquee is an easy yet highly configurable jQuery scroller plugin plugin used to scroll a list vertically or horizontally like a carousel or traditional marquee element. Great for news ticker, text scroller, horizontal scroller.


  • Supports both vertical and horizontal scrolling.
  • Custom scrolling animation.
  • Infinite scroll.
  • Mouse hover to stop.
  • Draggable.
  • Supports any html content.

How to use it:

1. Load jQuery library and the jQuery limarquee plugin's JS and CSS in the webpage.

<link href="css/liMarquee.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.liMarquee.js"></script>

2. Add your content to the scroller.

<div class="demo str_wrap">
  Content Goes Here

3. Active the scroller with default settings.


4. Configuration options.

// left | right | up | down
direction: 'left', 

// How many times to loop through the html content
// -1 = endless loop
loop: -1, 

// The delay in milliseconds
scrolldelay: 0, 

// Animation speed
scrollamount: 50,

// carousel mode
circular: true, 

// enable draggable functionality
drag: true, 

// scroll short text
runshort: true,

// pause on hover
hoverstop: true,

// start on hover
inverthover: false, 

// The path to xml file
xml: false

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by omcg33. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.