jQuery Plugin For Custom Paypal Buttons - Classy Paypal

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License: MIT
jQuery Plugin For Custom Paypal Buttons - Classy Paypal

Classy Paypal is a lightweight jQuery plugin that make it easier to create custom, security Paypal payment buttons for your e-commerce/business/personal websites.

Button types supported:

  • Buy Now
  • Donate
  • Subscribe

Button styles included:

  • Default
  • Round
  • Square
  • Double
  • Frame

Basic Usage:

1. Load jQuery library and the jQuery Classy Paypal plugin's CSS & JS files in the document.

<link href="css/jquery.classypaypal.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.classypaypal.min.js"></script>

2. Create a payment button with PayPal variables via "data-" attributes. Full parameters here.

  • data-business="[email protected]: specify your PayPal merchant email address.
  • data-item_name="Your project" : name of product that you sell.
  • data-amount="9.99" : product price.
  • data-quantity="1": how many products you sell.
  • data-currency_code="USD">Just $9.99!: currency code.
<button class="paypal ClassyPaypal-button"
  data-business="[email protected]" 
  data-item_name="Your project" 
  data-currency_code="USD">Just $9.99!

3. Initialize the plugin with options.


// buynow, subscribe or donate
type: 'buynow',

// default, round, frame, double or square
style: 'default'

// payment button inner text/HTML
innerHTML: '',

// target for PayPal checkout page
checkoutTarget: '_self',

// delay submit after payment button was clicked
delaySubmit: 0,

// tooltip options
tooltip: '',
tooltipHide: 3000,
tooltipTime: 300,
tooltipDelay: 400,
tooltipOffset: 15,

// callback to modify PayPal checkout variables before submit
beforeSubmit: false


4. You can also pass the options via data-json parameter.

<button class="paypal ClassyPaypal-button"
  data-json='{OPTIONS}'>Buy Now

5. Public methods.

// enable Paypal buttons

// disable Paypal buttons

// set "data-" attributes for payment button

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by class.pm. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.