jQuery Plugin To Check Whether An Element Is Within The Viewport - whenInView

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License: MIT
jQuery Plugin To Check Whether An Element Is Within The Viewport - whenInView

Just another jQuery scroll position checker plugin that allows for adding (removing) CSS classes and executing useful callbacks when a specified DOM element scrolled into or out of view.

How to use it:

1. Import jQuery library and the jQuery whenInView plugin's script into the webpage.

<script src="://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.wheninview.min.js"></script>

2. Initialize the plugin and we're ready to go.


3. By default, the plugin auto add the CSS class 'element-in-view' to the target element. In this case, we're going to animate the element using the familiar Animate.css.


  // requires Animate.css
  className: 'animated infinite flipInY'

4. Useful callback functions which will be fired when the element is scrolled in and out of view.


  elementIn: function(){
    // do something

  elementOut: function(){
    // do something

  // remove the class when the element is out of view?
  removeWhenOut: false


5. Specify the parent container in which you want to track the scroll events.


  container: window


6. Set the top and bottom offsets.


  topOffset: 0,
  bottomOffset: 0,


7. Determine whether or not to wrap the master scroll event in a requestAnimationFrame.


  RAF: true


8. Set the interval in milliseconds for staggered animations.


  staggerInterval: 250


9. Check the element is in view on scroll or right now.


  fireAtStart: true


Change logs:


  • Fixed removeWhenOut bug


  • Aded "fireAtStart" option


  • Fixed a bug that fired all callbacks at once


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by funkhaus. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.