Customizable POS Pin Pad Widget For jQuery UI - Pinpad

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License: MIT
Customizable POS Pin Pad Widget For jQuery UI - Pinpad

Pinpad is a jQuery & jQuery UI widget used to generate a customizable, touch-friendly, POS Pin Pad-style numeric keypad for easier password, credit card number and personal identification number input.

More features:

  • Keyboard interaction.
  • i18n support.
  • Custom themes.
  • Digit only mode.
  • Auto hide when reaching the length limit.

See also:

How to use it:

1. To use this plugin/widget, you first need to load jQuery library and jQuery UI files in the webpage.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/jquery-ui.css">
<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>

2. Download the plugin and load the jQuery Pinpad's JS & CSS files in the page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.ui.pinpad.css">
<script src="jquery.ui.pinpad.js"></script>

3. Call the function pinpad() to create a default pin pad for a given input field.


4. Possible plugin options to customize the pin pad.

   * Specify the container of the pinpad widget. Must be a valid HTML element or jQuery
   * selector. If no matching DOM element is found during rendering, the widget is
   * inserted directly after the pinpad input.
  appendTo: null,

   * Specify whether the confirm event is triggered when the pinpad input value length
   * reach its max length.
  autoComplete: false,

   * Specify additional classes to add to the widget element.
  classes: {
      "ui-pinpad": "ui-corner-all"

   * Specify whether the correct command of the pinpad widget must clear the input
   * content. If set to true, the correct command clears the pin pad input content,
   * otherwise only the last inserted character is removed.
  clear: false,

   * Defines the command buttons of this pin pad.
  commands: [
          position: 0,
          name: "cancel",
          options: { icon: "ui-icon-close", iconPosition: "end" }
          position: 1,
          name: "correct",
          options: { icon: "ui-icon-caret-1-w", iconPosition: "end" }
          position: 2,
          name: "confirm",
          options: { icon: "ui-icon-radio-off", iconPosition: "end" }

   * Specify whether the pin pad input accept only digits. If set to true, the pinpad
   * input should not accept the decimal point.
  digitOnly: false,

   * Specify settings for localization.
  display: {
      decPoint: ".",
      cancel: "Cancel",
      correct: "Correct",
      confirm: "Confirm"

   * If and how to animate the hiding of the pinpad widget.
  hide: true,

   * Defines the pin pad keys layout.
  keys: [
      "1 2 3",
      "4 5 6",
      "7 8 9",
      "{empty} 0 {dec}"

   * Specify the minimum number of characters allowed to enable the confirm command.
  minLength: 0,

   * Specify the maximum number of characters allowed in the pin pad input.
  maxLength: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY,

   * If and how to animate the showing of the pinpad widget.
  show: true,

5. Callback functions available.

  cancel: null,
  change: null,
  close: null,
  confirm: null,
  keypress: null,
  open: null

Change log:


  • v1.6.0

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by yannickebongue. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.