Mobile-friendly Numeric Keypad Plugin For jQuery - NumPad

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License: MIT
Mobile-friendly Numeric Keypad Plugin For jQuery - NumPad

NumPad is a jQuery plugin used to create mobile-friendly numeric keypads for text fields, DIV elements or table columns. Works perfectly with any frameworks such as jQuery mobile, Bootstrap and much more.

Basic usage:

1. Load jQuery library and the jQuery NumPad plugin's files in your project.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/jquery.numpad.css">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="path/to/jquery.numpad.js"></script>

2. Include the jQuery Mobile to implement the Numpad plugin on your mobile project.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<script src="//"></script>

3. Set NumPad defaults for jQuery mobile. These defaults will be applied to all NumPads within this document.

$.fn.numpad.defaults.gridTpl = '<table class="ui-bar-a"></table>';
$.fn.numpad.defaults.backgroundTpl = '<div class="ui-popup-screen ui-overlay-a"></div>';
$.fn.numpad.defaults.displayTpl = '<input data-theme="b" type="text" />';
$.fn.numpad.defaults.buttonNumberTpl =  '<a data-role="button" data-theme="b"></a>';
$.fn.numpad.defaults.buttonFunctionTpl = '<a data-role="button" data-theme="a"></a>';
$.fn.numpad.defaults.onKeypadCreate = function(){$(this).enhanceWithin();};

4. Instantiate NumPad once the page is ready to be shown.

(document).on('pageshow', function(){

  // for text input

  // for password field
    displayTpl: '<input data-theme="b" type="password">'    

  // for numpad button
    target: $('#numpadButton'),

  // for div element

  // for table columns


5. Options and defaults.

// Target jQuery element
target: false,

// Name of the event to trigger opening the numpad
openOnEvent: 'click',

// Template for the background overlay behind the Keypad
backgroundTpl: '<div></div>',

// Template for the keypad grid
gridTpl: '<table></table>',

// Template for the display field above the keypad
displayTpl: '<input type="number" />',

// Template for the grid cell, where the display field is located
displayCellTpl: '<td colspan="4"></td>',

// Template for each row of the grid
rowTpl: '<tr></tr>',

// Template for each regular cell of the grid
cellTpl: '<td></td>',

// Template for the number buttons
buttonNumberTpl: '<button></button>',

// Template for the functional buttons (like clear, done, etc.)
buttonFunctionTpl: '<button></button>',

// Grid table CSS class
gridTableClass: '',

// Text for buttons
textDone: 'Done',
textDelete: 'Del',
textClear: 'Clear',
textCancel: 'Cancel',

// Target element the keypad should be appended to
appendKeypadTo: false,

// Positions
position: 'fixed',
positionX: 'center',
positionY: 'middle',

// Called once a numpad is created
onKeypadCreate: false

// Called once a numpad is opened
onKeypadOpen: false,

// Called once a numpad is closed
onKeypadClose: false,

// Called everytime the user changes the value in the display of the numpad by pressing a virtual button.
onChange: false

Change logs:


  • FIX rounded borders bug in Bootstrap
  • FIX display shows NAN if attached to a non-input


  • NEW methods to open/close numpad programmatically


  • v1.3.1: minor fixes.


  • v1.3: Fractions and negative numbers


  • NEW: onChange callback and change event for target
  • Fixed maxlength html property


  • Added onKeypadOpen and onKeypadClose callbacks and corresponding and numpad.close events


  • Bootstrap demo + minor fixes

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by kabachello. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.